Chapter 7, The News

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"We have to move to LA." James said with tears in his eyes

"It's okay James! I'll come with you." I said cupping his face

"The management said no one can come with us until we settle in." James said with tears streaming down his face

"How long will that be?" I asked.

"A year."

I let go of James's face and fell onto the couch. I was angry, I was upset no word could describe the way I feel right now.

"That's.. That's too long." I chocked on my tears

The Janoskians management never did like me. They always said I was annoying and self-centred. I may be annoying but I am not self-centred. I walked into a room, collapsed on the bed and cried, cried and cried. I'm not going to be with the man that I probably love for a whole fucking year.

"Did you hear the news..." I heard a voice behind me said

"I can't do it! I'm not going a year without seeing you guys Jai. You have Ariana, you can't see her for a whole year too, doesn't that hurt? Your management is to fucking stupid to realise that you guys have cured my depression. You guys have made my life perfect and without you I don't know whats going to happen." I said looking up and Jai.

"Yes it does mean I won't be there for Ariana throughout her whole pregnancy. The management will let me fly to Florida when the kid is about to be born so I can be with the kid and Ari for a while. I will miss you like crazy Maddi, you don't even understand. The reason why James isn't up here telling you this is because he is a mess right now. He won't stop crying because he wants to be with you, he loves you Maddi." Jai said

He loves me?

"When do you guys leave?" I said trying to stop crying.

"Next week." Jai said as he took my hand and led me downstairs.

James was on the couch with his hands on his head and his elbows on his thighs. Beau was trying to make him feel better by getting food, Daniel was rubbing his back telling his it's going to be alright and Luke was running around like a headless chicken. I seriously reckon that boy has problems.

"Maddi!" Daniel said worriedly

"Come cheer James up, he won't listen to anything I'm saying." Daniel said

I sat down where Daniel was sitting and gave James a sideways hug.

"James, I really don't want you to go-" I was cut off by James speaking

"Then I won't go, I'm going to stay here with you." James said looking up

"Let me finish. But your fans are there, the Janoskians aren't the Janoskians if there's no James! The fans need you James." I said

"I know but I don't want to leave you for a whole fucking year." James said with tears in his eyes.

"It'll fly." I said fighting back the tears

"I.. Love you." James said smiling

"I love you too baby." I said kissing him passionately.

"Yuck!" The boys said in discuss

"Fuck off." James said laughing.

"We have to pack so we're going home, I'll see you guys tomorrow Beau said walking out of the door with Jai and Luke.

"Bye." I said waving.

"Yep, I'm off too. See yah guys." Daniel said waving

"See you."

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now