Chapter 28, i have to fix this

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I was sitting on the couch in the study just thinking about how I could fix our relationship when Daniel bursted through the door with his fists clenched.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?" He yelled at me
"It was a huge mistake." I didn't bother telling back because if I kept yelling then I would lose my voice
"YOURE SUCH A PLAYER, I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HER." He yelled again stepping closer toward me
"I love her so much."
"Look Skip, I get it, I stuffed up but if everyone keeps yelling at me then I won't be able to figure out how I'm going to fix this." I rubbed my aching head
"You better fucking fix this." He stomped out of the room
How am I going to fix this? No words can describe the way I love Maddi, I really fucked up.


I was in my room scrolling through Twitter when the door began to open, the boys were out filming so I was home alone. Behind the door was Claudia herself, just seeing her made me get annoyed. She wore a white croppy top I think it's called that covered basically nothing, it only just covered her boobs, she wore tones of makeup like she usually did and shorts that made her ass fall out of them. I know I shouldn't but I was getting kind of turned on...
"Hey." She drove her hands up her body and over her boobs.
I bit my lip but that didn't help my situation. She turned around and basically shoved her butt in my face
"You need to go." I said
"Why when we can have some fun."
As much as I hated Claudia's guts, I couldn't control myself
"You... Need to get out of my house." I stuttered
She said on my lap, butt right against my private area.
"Looks like I made you a bit excited?" She said
She made her way to the zip of my pants... I couldn't control it...


I wish I could go back in time just to prevent that whole day. I regret it so much and I need to tell Maddi that.
I walked out of the study and received death glares from everyone except Beau. My friends really hate me... I walked up the stairs and stood in front of Maddi's door, I can do this
I knocked and waited until my beautiful fiancé came to the door, her hair was massy and her face was red, I made her look like this. I looked behind her and saw that Jayde was in the room.
"I'll leave you guys to it." She excused herself and walked past us.
Maddi just stood in the doorway and looked at me with her blue bloodshot eyes.
"What do you want?" She said to me
"I love you Maddi."
"Then why did you cheat on me?" Her eyes watered
"She was all over me Maddi, she just wouldn't quit." I held my arms out for a hug but she rejected
"I don't know what to say to you James."
"Just... Give me one more chance." I pleaded
"I don't know."
"I proposed to you for a reason and that reason is because I love you. And maybe we can get past this."
She thought about it and looked at her toes.
"If I give you another chance, will you ever do anything like this again?" She asked
"No I promise."
"Then one last chance." She smiled at me.
"Thank you babe." I held out my arms again and this time I wrapped them around her waist.
Since she was incredibly short, her head leaned against my chest.
A/N: Just to let you know, the next chapter is the last... I promise I'll make another one after but with a different boy, I love you guys. :')

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now