Chapter 11, Where's James?

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"Maddi, this isn't a good idea!" James said looking sad

"I can't let them do this to me! I've had enough!" I said as the doorbell started ringing.

"I'll get it." James said walking to the door

We were all in James's room waiting for him to come back

"What's taking him so long?" Jayde said getting really bored

"I don't know, I'll go check." Jai said walking out of the room.

A few seconds later Jai came back with a shocked and worried look on his face.

"Guys! James... Is gone." Jai said out of breath.

"WHAT?!" I said as tears started to form

"WHERE THE FUCK DID HE GO?" Beau screamed

"Wha... My parents." I said brushing the tears away and stormed to the car.

"Hurry guys! We are finishing what I should of finished a while ago." I said getting angrier by the second

The all didn't want to fight with me so everyone jumped in. I was in the drivers seat, Jai was in the passenger seat, Daniel, Beau and Luke were in the back and Jayde was in Beau's lap. We drove to where I thought my parents would be which is at an abandoned mansion. My phone suddenly started ringing. The caller ID was James, I wave of worry splashed over me.

"James?!" I basically screamed

"Maddi! Listen! It's not safe, you, Jayde and the boys need to leave!" James said worriedly

"No! I'm not leaving without you. Where are you?"

"If I tell you, they will kill you and the others. I'm not at that abandoned mansion your at now but please Maddi, I have to make sure you know I love you!"

"I love you too James!" I was sobbing heavily and the others were looking at me sadly

"How do you know we are at the mansion?" I asked just before he was going to hang up.

"Because they are watching you! I love you I have to go!" James sounded like he was crying

"No James!" I said but it was too late


I broke down and cried for god knows how long. The boys were trying to hold their tears in but they failed

"We can't leave to America without James." Luke said sniffing

"That's why we are going to find him." Daniel said red with rage

Daniel told me to move in the back so I did. I was scared we were going to crash if I drove. Luke took my phone away and did something to it

"I've got his location!" Luke screamed in happiness

"How?" I asked amazed

"It's a gift, I just rewired your phone so it could tell me James's phones location." Luke said proudly

"Good job now tell me where I'm fucking going." Daniel said.

I've never seen him this angry

"Go to.. Oh my god." Luke said with his eyes widened

"What?" I asked

"He. He is... At our house." Luke said

"MUM!" Beau screamed

Daniel speeded down the road and in minutes we reached the Brooks household.

"Okay we can do this." Daniel said pulling out a silver thing

"Where the fuck did you get a gun?" Luke violently whispered

"My dad is a police officer..." Daniel whispered back

(Just pretend that Daniels dad is a police officer.)

"Right, what's the plan?" Beau said pulling out a baseball bat.

"Maddi, you need to walk in and pretend you are giving yourself up and then-" Daniel was cut off by me whispering loudly


"Shut up and let me finish. Then when they have you, we will break in and save you and James." Daniel finished

"Alright but if is backfires on us, then you are to blame." I whispered to Daniel

"Let's get my best friend back." Daniel said

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now