Chapter 4, Truth or Dare

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"Sure why not." Everyone agreed

A couple of minutes later everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor in the lounge room.

"Okay I'll go first! Luke, truth or dare?" Daniel said


"When was the last time you had sex?" Daniel said half laughing

"Uh... Last year?" Luke said blushing slightly

"Haha okay, Luke it's your go."

"James, truth or dare?" Luke asked

"Dare." James said

"I dare you to make out with Maddi." Luke said giving a grin

"Okay." James replied looking at me

James started to lean toward me, we were millimetres apart until I felt my boyfriends lips crash into mine, we kissed for ages until we both pulled away.

"Woah..." Daniel said

"Damn." Luke said with his jaw dropped to the ground

Jai did nothing but stare at the ground. I need to talk to him.

"Can we have a break?" I asked. This was my chance to talk to Jai.

"Yep, be back in five minutes so we can continue though." Luke said still amazed that James made out with me I front of everyone.

Jai got up and went to my room. I followed him until I saw him laying on my bed with his head buried in my pillow sobbing quietly.

"Jai?" I asked closing the door behind me

"Sorry, I.." Jai said before breaking our into tears again

"Jai please don't cry! What's wrong?" I said whilst putting my arm around his shoulders.

"It's Ariana. She.. She's... She's pregnant Maddi! I'm not ready to be a dad."

"Oh my god Jai! I'll help you through it! We don't have to tell the rest of the boys yet, we will wait until it all sinks in, okay?" I said hugging him tight

"Thanks Maddi! You are a real help." Jai said giving me a small smile and wiping away the rest of his tears.

After a couple of minutes of talking, Jai and I walked back downstairs.

"About time!" Beau yelled at both of us.

We sat back down in our spots and the came continued

"Jai, truth or dare!" James asked

"Uh truth." Jai replied

"Where do you see yourself in the future?" James asked

"I see myself with Ari writing music and having a family." Jai said looking at me with a smile.

I smiled back

"Aw what a cutie." James said

"Beau truth or dare?" Jai asked


"I dare you to kiss Daniel, like a proper kiss." Jai said with a smirk

"What kind of dare is that?!" Beau shouted

"A dare! Now do it!" Jai demanded

Beau lent in toward Daniel and there lips collided. It was pretty entertaining watching my best friends kiss. After they broke away, Beau vomited and Daniel gagged

"You're cleaning that up!" I told Beau

"That was the worst experience of my life." Beau said wiping away the tears from his eyes.

"You enjoyed it Beau!" Luke said punching him lightly in the arm.

After Beau cleaned up his vomit, and we talked for a couple of hours then we settled in and watched movies.

Little would we know what would happen in the night.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now