Chapter 6, livestream

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I opened my heavy eyes me looked who the text was from, it was James? I looked over to find him staring at me smiling.

"Hey babe." He said as he lent over to kiss me.

"Do you reckon we should tell the fans? They'll probably know soon enough because of the paparazzi that is always stalking us but I don't want them thinking that we are keeping secrets from them." James said interlocking our hand together

"Yeah we can tell them, just tell them to not hate. We can do a twitcam?" I suggested

"In the morning though, I probably look like death itself." I said as I yawned

"You look beautiful no matter what okay babe. I'll see you in the morning." He said as he wrapped him arms around me.

"Good night." I said whilst closing my eyes.

"Goodnight beautiful."


"Maddi! You ready!?" Beau screamed from downstairs

I uplied the rest of my makeup then ran downstairs. The boys were already setting up the computer ready for the twitcam so I sat down on James's lap.

"Hey guys, we're the Janoskians and today we have a special announcement" Beau said smiling at the camera

I looked at how many people are watching this livestream, wow already 2000 people.

"This lovely lady here," Beau said pointing to me. "Is James's girlfriend, please don't hate on her just give her a chance! She is super nice and funny, you guys will love her. Feel free to ask her questions." Beau finished. Just as he finished his sentence, the comment section blew up with questions.

"Oh wow okay. First question is what is my name? My name is Maddison Brown. How did I meet the Janoskians? I moved here a couple of months ago and James is my neighbour so yeah, can i sing? Yes I can, my favourite colour? Yellow, why did I move here?" I gulped at the last question. I didn't want to tell them about my past so I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

I came out a few minutes after and the boys were finishing off the twitcam.

"Alright, thanks for watching!" They all said at the same time.

Them they ended it and turned to me

"Sorry, I didn't want to tell them." I said looking at my feet.

"It's alright babe, it's your life so you don't have to tell them." James said coming up to me and engulfing me in a hug.

For the rest of the day, we had another lazy day until we ordered pizza.

"Maddi? We need to tell you something." James said looking terribly sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned


Oh shnap! Cliffhangerrrrrr

Please vote for the next chapter and if you haven't already, read my other story 'Why' it's about Beau Brooks. Love yous all xo

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now