Chapter 8, the last week together

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"So since I'm leaving, we should make the time that we have together special!" James said with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Hold on cowboy! You need to pack." I said pecking him on the lips

"Pleaassseee Maddi! I'll love you forever!" James said giving me puppy dog eyes.

"You already love me forever." I said matter-of-factly

"That's true..." James said smiling at me

"Now get your butt upstairs and pack your bags buddy!"

"Fine! But tonight can we have some actual fun

"We'll see." I said winking

I was sitting on James's couch on Instagram until I got a text from Beau

Beau: hey Maddi! X

Maddi: hey Beau! X

Beau: Guess what?xx

Maddi: what??x

Beau: I have a girrrrlllfriend xx

Maddi: OOOH what's her name?? Xx

Beau: Her name is Jayde! X

My best friend that I hadn't seen is months name is Jayde... Jayde Mcleish

Maddi: what's her last name? Xx

Beau: Jayde Mcleish, why? X


Beau: No way! Really?! X

Maddi: yes omfg d,did kencidnfhishdjdi

Beau: calm down haha, I have to go, Jayde is calling. Byeeee see you tomorrow xoxox

Maddi: see yah Bo Bo xo

"MADDIIIIII." James yelled from upstairs

"YES BABY?" I yelled back



I walked upstairs and into James's room. He was sitting on his bed with his bag next to him

"What's up?" I asked as I sat on his lap

"I'm bored. Let's do something fun." James said winking at me.

"What do you have in mind?" I said trying to keep a straight face

"How about this?" He said as he collided his lips into mine he stood up and gently pushed me into the wall with his lips still connected to mine. He picked me up so that my legs were around his waist an he put me on the bed. He was now on top of me but our lips did not once break contacted. He pulled off his shirt so that his abs were now against my tummy.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" James asked

I nodded, cupped his face and kissed him again.

This should be fun.


I woke up next to a shirtless James. I don't know why he still isn't confident with his body, he is so perfect. I suddenly remembered the events of last night. I smiled then tried to get out of bed to have a shower. James's arm was wrapped around my waist so I tried to get out of his grip but the more I tried, the tighter his arm got around me. I sighed and said

"James, I need to go and have a shower!"

"No you don't, stay here for a while." James said with his eyes still closed

"Please baby. I need to shower." I said with puppy dog eyes.


I had no choice put to tickle him until he let go of me. He is so ticklish and he had the most adorable laugh.

"Okay, okay you win." James said whilst he let go of me

"Thanks baby, I love you." I kissed him on the cheek

"I love you too princess."

I ran to the shower and had a quick five minute one. I jumped into a pair of leggings, a pink singlet and a Cardigan. I walked back into James's room to find him on my phone.

"What are you doing on my phone?" I asked as I sat on he bed

"Just hacking your Instagram." He said with a smirk

I gasped and grabbed my phone off of him. The photo was of James and the caption said; @maddi_brown my boyfriend is so sexy like OMG! I love him so much @jamesyammouniofficial.

"Fuck you! Payback is going to be a bitch you know." I said with an evil smirk

"Yeah yeah, keep talking." James said as he lent in for a kiss.

I got up and ran back to the bathroom to brush and straighten my hair. When I did my hair, I put it in a messy pony tail and put light make up on. I walked back to James's room and he was dressed and he had his phone in his hand.

"Come take selfies for Instagram and Twitter." James said

"Okay." I said

We took a couple of silly ones, some of us kissing and some of just being happy until I heard a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it." I said as I ran downstairs

I though it's was going to be the boys but I was wrong. It was..

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now