Chapter 15, What am I going to do without him?

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A/N: I deleted the chapter 15 from this story because it sucked so I'm rewriting it. :)

Jayde and I stumbled into my house with tears still falling from our bloodshot eyes. We both fell into the couch and said nothing, the only thing we could hear is faint sobs. Jayde managed to stop crying and went into the kitchen then came back minutes later with popcorn. I guess it's going to be a movie day and night.


We watched movies all day and most of the night. I occasionally saw Jayde smile at her phone which means she is probably texting Beau. In the middle of Bad Grandpa, I started to close my eyes because I was so tired, mainly because I've been crying nonstop. I closed my eyes and dreamt about nothing but James and I.

--1 week later--

Today Jayde and I were going to the mall for some extra clothes, of course all I wanted to do was stay home but Jayde wouldn't take no for an answer. We were in the car on the way but none of us said anything, I think it's because we were both missing the boys so much. We pulled up into a car park then got out of the car.

"So which shop first?" Jayde asked with the fakest smile I've ever seen.

I shrugged my shoulders then quickly wiped away a few stray tears that were falling from my eyes

"Hey, you know I miss them too! But hey, we can go over there on their birthdays and Beau's birthday is next month. There's something to smile about." Jayde said hugging me

Wait, does she mean the I have to see James in a month? Oh god, this is going to be extremely awkward.

"Why didn't you tell me we could go over there?" I asked as I pulled away from the hug

"It's only for a week but hopefully you and James will sort something out." Jayde said with a real smile

What if we can't sort something out? I'm going to be there for a week and what if he has already moved on? But I really can't wait to see the other boys.

--Day Of The Flight--

I've never seen Jayde this happy before, she skipped into the airport and screaming "I'M GONNA SEE MY BOYFRIEND" and boy, was it embarrassing.

I carried our bags and gave them to the lady then our flight was called. We ran and took our seats in the plane. Great, a long flight with Jayde in my ear. This is going to be a long flight.

Jayde had the window seat so I was next to a very attracting boy with brown eyes and blonde hair that was long and swept to the side. I must of been staring at him for ages

"Hey, I'm Aaron." The guy turned and smiled at me.

"Maddi." I smiled back

Aaron and I talked for hours, Jayde fell asleep so she wouldn't embarrass us which was good. We talked about sport, shopping and heaps more stuff but every time I look at him, he just reminds me of James and it felt so wrong. I fell asleep after Aaron had and I had the familiar dream about James.

"Maddi! Wake up! It's time!" Jayde shook me awake, I looked around to see everybody leaving the plane. I stood up behind Aaron and waited until the cue got smaller then we finally exited the plane. We walked around the airport looking for one of the boys until I saw familiar green eyes. Jayde ran as fast as she could and jumped into Beau's arms and cried into his chest. I smiled and found Jai and Daniel with Beau. I ran up to Daniel, dropped my bag at his feet then jumped into his arms. I have missed these boys so much.

"Maddi! Do I get a hug?" Jai asked with puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes the jumped into his arms. His cologne filled my nose which made me smile. I pulled away from Jai then jumped into Beau's arms too.

"Oh god, I have missed you two so much!" Beau said getting teary.

"Please don't cry!" Jayde said leaning in for a kiss

"Gross!" I said with a smile then I picked up my bag.

"Let's go." Jai announced

We drove for about 40 minutes until we reached a huge house, it was white, had at least three stories and a long driveway.

"Home sweet home." Daniel said stepping out of the car.

We all closed our doors then started to walk toward the house. I had a lot of butterflies. This is the part when I see James again.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now