Chapter 22, Beau's birthday

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I woke up in my perfect boyfriend's bed next to him. I slightly smiled at him then remembered the events of the horrible day and night yesterday, that completely wiped the smile off of my face. I heard loud thumps coming down the hall toward us, a very happy Beau came and jumped on the bed making James's eyes flutter open with a groan.
"Seriously Beau, fuck off." James said in his sexy morning voice
James groaned again but got up afterwards
"Now that I'm up, get out." James said
"Hey! No sex on my birthday okay?" Beau skipped out of the room and closed the door behind him
"Faggot." James said as he laid back down
"C'mon James, he is turning 21." I smiled
"Baby, just 5 more minutes." James sighed
"Nope, c'mon." I dragged him out of bed and into Beau's room where everyone was looking very grumpy. I noticed a girl on Jai's lap, she turned to me and to my surprise, it was Ariana.
We sat on Beau's king sized bed and began to give him presents. Everyone gave him snap backs and beanies and clothes and stuff and he was over the moon about it. I would be leaving this in two days, another 3 months without them. Daniels birthday is in October so we will fly over again for his birthday.
"I love you guys!" Beau caged us all in a hug hug
We left Jayde and Beau in their room and walked to the kitchen to get some food
After eating some cereal, we all went back to our rooms to sleep a bit more but I wasn't really tired
We walked back into James's room and James had a smirk on his face.
"What?" I smiled at him
"I've missed you." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss, it was a very passionate one which made me smile
He then laid me down on the bed and kissed my neck, I bit my lip to stop me from moaning.
"You look really sexy when you do that." He said
He lifted his shirt off to show his perfect abs, he then lifted my tank top off so I was in my sweat pants and bra.
"I've really missed you.." He said as he kissed up and down my body, I guess you could guess what happened next
We were having lunch with everyone, since it was Beau's birthday, he got to pick what we were having. He decided that he wanted waffles and ham burgers. Don't ask...
We were sitting at the table stuffing our faces.
"I thought I told you guys no sex." Beau said inbetween mouthfuls.
My face heated up and James just smirked
"OH JAMES! HARDER BABY!" Beau said mocking me.
My face was like a tomato
"Aw, she's blushing!" Daniel cooed
"Leave her alone." James finally saved me from dying of embarrassment.
Jayde and Luke did nothing but die of laughter while Ariana and Jai were making out.
"Just wear protection." Beau laughed then turned his face back to his food.
We finished our food then went on the couch to have a movie marathon like the good old days
"Ariana and I are going for a walk." Jai excused himself then walked out the door.
We watched tones of movies until 3:30am then we went to bed and didn't wake up til lunch time. We went shopping then came back at dinner time.
"Maccas?" Beau asked
"Yeah." We all agreed.
I would be leaving the most amazing boys in the world tomorrow.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now