Chapter 17, very awkward times

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I came downstairs hours later for dinner, Beau and Daniel cooked spaghetti. They had a large table with 12 seats but we all sat together. I was sat next to Jai and Beau, Beau was next to Daniel, Daniel was next to Jayde, Jayde was next to Luke and James was across from me.
"So, how's life without us?" Daniel asked out of the blue.
Jayde and I both replied at the same time which made everyone giggle except for James.
"Have you told the boys about the baby?" I whispered to Jai
"How big is Ari?" I asked
"She's getting bigger, and it's a girl." Jai replied with the biggest smile I've ever seen
"I'm so happy for you." I smiled back
"Maddi?" Luke asked
"Yeah?" I replied
"Found anyone?" Luke asked with a smirk which made James shoot him a glare
"No, someone already stole my heart and I still haven't got my heart back yet." I replied looking down
I was obviously talking about James
There was a long awkward silence
"So, when are you planning on growing?" Beau said
"Bitch please, I'm perfect." I smiled at Beau.
"Got that right..." I heard James mumble which made me blush.
We ate in silence until everyone finished
"I think we need to break this awkwardness with a game of truth or dare." Luke said.
"That'll be fun."
We sat in a circle in the theatre and decided Jai should go first.
"Maddi, truth or dare?" Jai asked me
"I dare you to jump in the pool." Jai said with a grin
"But it's cold!"
"Do it."
I ran outside into the cold and jumped into the freezing water. I shivered as I got out and found that James had a towel ready for me. I grabbed the towel off of him not giving him eye contact until I felt a finger under my chin. I looked up at James and felt his lips that I've missed so much press into mine. It felt like our first kiss so of course there was Sparks and fireworks everywhere. I pulled away and gave him a small smile before walking inside into the warmth, I don't think the boys saw us luckily
"Uhh, Luke, truth or dare?" I asked as everyone sat down again
"If you were a girl and you weren't related to anyone in this room, who would you date?" I asked
"Oh god, uh, probably Jai because he looks like me." Luke said
"Wow..." I laughed
"James, truth or dare?" Luke asked
"Truth." James replied whilst looking at his feet
Luke had an evil smirk on his face
"What are you're honest thoughts on Claudia?"
"She is the bitchiest, sluttiest, the most fake girl if ever met." James said looking angry
"Why don't you break up with her then?"
"I have." James said with a tiny smile
"Jayde, truth or dare?" James asked
The girls are the dare Devils this round
"I dare you to kiss Beau." James laughed
She lent in and pressed her lips on Beau's with a huge smile on her face. They pulled away a few moments later and looked at us, we were all smiling
"James, truth or dare?" Jayde said
What about Daniel and Beau?
"I dare you to just tell Maddi you still love her and ask her out already."

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now