Chapter 19, Claudia

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As she came closer to us, she started to run at us so I pulled away from the hug and took a hit from her to the cheek. My cheek was red hot and it felt like a just got hit with a baseball bat.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" James screamed at her.
I got up and held me cheek until I got knocked to the ground again by Claudia punching me in the stomach
"FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US ALONE!" James screamed again.
I laid down on the ground clutching my stomach and holding my cheek.
"You will soon realise that this whore is an ugly cunt and you will come crawling back to me, just you wait slut." She said spitting in my face and walked away.
I began to cry when I couldn't see her any more and sat up in James's arms
"C'mon, let's get you home." He said in a soothing voice
----AT THE HOUSE----
Jame walked me into the door of his house and sat me down on the couch. I could hear yelling from Beau's room so they are most likely playing FIFA or Jayde and Beau are having some 'private time'. I silently giggled at my joke.
"What do you want? Chocolate, chips, Pringles, soft drink, name it and we've got it." James said. He kinda sounded like a man off of an advertisement.
"I just want to go to bed." I said after a yawned
"Okay, do you want to sleep in my bed or yours?" He asked as he carried me upstairs bridal style
"Is it okay if I sleep in yours?"
"Sure baby." He kissed me on the cheek
He later me down on the right side of his double bed and crawled in next to me.
"James?" I asked
"Yeah princess?"
"I really do love you."
James chuckled.
"I love you too babe."
The sun shined through the window hitting me straight in the eyes. I groaned then rolled over to find James's perfect self still asleep, his arm was around my waist. I wriggled out of his arm and had a 10 minute shower then got dressed in an over sized Janoskian shirt and denim shorts. I don't really feel like dressing up today so I put a bit of mascara on then walked downstairs to find Beau and Jayde making out on the bench in the kitchen.
"GROSS!!" I screamed making them jump.
"Shit, sorry! I thought you were still sleeping!" Jayde said hopping off of the bench and taking Beau to their room.
I grabbed some toast and an apple and went back upstairs into James's room where James was still asleep in the same position.
"James... Baby!... WAKE UP!" I screamed
He groaned then turned to face me.
"Oh, hi Maddi." He said in his incredibly sexy morning voice
"Hey, I made breakfast." I replied giving him the toast
He ate it all then watched me eat the last of my apple.
"I want to take you out today." He said
"I need to buy Beau a birthday present." I replied
"Same, to the shops it is then."

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now