Chapter 18, feelings?

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Why Jayde? Why'd you have to make this whole situation more awkward?!
"Oh... I... Um...." James stuttered
"I'm going to go upstairs." I said as I excused myself
It was 7:30pm so I wasn't tired yet so I checked my Instagram quickly, James's new photo popped up on my feed, it was a picture of us that morning my parents shot James.
"@jamesyammouniofficial: I honestly miss his girl so much, she is my world and I'm honestly so in love with her. Maddi, if you see this, meet me at the park in 10, I have a surprise. @maddi_brown."
The picture was uploaded two minutes ago so I decided I would go and start walking. The park was 5 minutes away from the boy's house, I walked slower so I could think about what I was going to say to him. I must of been thinking for a while because I found myself sitting at a bench at the park. I felt another presence so I turned to see James next to him with a sad expression on his face
"Hey.." He said looking at his lap
"Hi." This was already awkward
"I wanted to say that... The only reason I dated Claudia was because I wanted to get over you because I thought you would if found someone but when I saw you earlier, all my love came back. Just seeing you makes me get butterflies, just talking to you makes my palms sweat, if his isn't love then I don't know what love is. You are running through my mind every second of every day and I honestly want to make you my wife one day, I want to start a family with you one day, I want to grow old with you, I want to die with you. You are the love of my life Maddi." James said looking deep into my eyes which were fighting back tears
"And I wanted to say that since we broke up, I've had restless nights, I've cried every day and I always had the urge to text you but I couldn't because I thought that you broke up with me for another girl. You helped me through the tough times and I honestly am still so in love with you." I said with tears slowly going down my face.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" James asked cupping my face
I nodded my head and smiled
James gave me the most beautiful kiss that sent the world spinning, the one where there is nothing in our way to stop us. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds because we were both desperate for air. I smiled and hugged him until I heard footsteps behind us. I lifted my head and had a look who was coming our way, oh shit! Claudia....

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now