Chapter 9, Why do you keep coming back?

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My parents! Why them! Why not the boys. I started to shake and my eyes were tearing.

"Maddison, come home with us now!" My 'dad' said in his scary deep voice

"I.. I.. JAMES!! HELP!!" I screamed as loud as I could before my dad put his hand over my mouth. He turned me around to that I was facing inside of the house and my dad pointed a silver pistol at my head

"Don't say another fucking word or I'll blow your head off of your shoulders." My dad threatened

I nodded and began to sob quietly

James came running down the stairs and as soon as he saw my parents he froze

"Get the fuck off of her!" James ordered

"Ha no chance." My dad replied

Dad pointed the gun at James but grabbed my neck cutting off all of the air going into my lungs. Everything started to go black, a gun shot was the last thing I heard before I collapsed.

"Maddi! Maddi please wake up! I need you." I heard a voice say

"We all need you Maddi! Please wake up!" I heard another say

I opened my eyes to find that I was in a hospital bed with James beside me holding my hand and the other boys along with Jayde on the other side.

"Oh thank god your okay!" Beau sighed with relief

I turned to James and he kissed me, it wasn't like a normal kiss but it was a kiss of love, I felt the same sparks. I looked at James's shoulder. He had it bandaged, then I remembered, the gun shot.

"James are you okay? Did you need surgery? Where are my parents now? Did it hurt?" I quickly said

"Woah princess calm down! I'm okay, I didn't need surgery, and it hurt a bit." James said without answering my question about my parents

"Where are my parents now?" I repeated

"Well, after you collapsed and they shot me, they kind of ran off." James said looking angry

"Fuck!" I screamed.

"Maddi! Oh my god I've missed you so much!" Jayde said coming over and hugging me

Jayde and I met when we were in primary school, she had long dirty blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, she was very short and had the best body ever.

"Aw I've missed you too Jaydey!" I said hugging her back

"Don't ever scare me like that again!"

"Ha I won't Eggy!" I said to Jayde. Don't ask why I call her Eggy, it's just a nickname

"So, you and Beau huh?" I said with a cheeky smile

They both blushed and Beau pulled her in for a hug then he kissed he softly

"Cuties." I said with a smile.

"Maddi we need to talk." James said sounding concerned

"Guys can you please wait outside? I need to talk to Maddi, alone." James said

They all nodded their heads then walked toward the door.

"Okay, please don't break up with me." I said starting to tear up

"No of course not babe! I'm concerned about your safety. I failed to protect you yesterday, I'm an awful boyfriend but please forgive me." James said starting to tear up

"James, there's nothing you could of done to stop what was happening yesterday. It was going to happen anyways and it wasn't your fault." I said cupping his face

"I love you." James said leaning in

"I love you too James." I said whilst kissing him


Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now