Chapter 27, I don't know what to do

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It was 6:30am, I couldn't get back to sleep. I've been watching the daresundays videos but that just makes me more sad. How could my own boyfr- fiancé actually sleep with his ex? My mind is all over the place and I've been nonstop crying.
"Maddi? It's Jayde." She said softly
I wiped my tears then went and unlocked the door. As soon as I opened she fell into my arms.
"I heard what happened, no girl should have to go through this and I'm so sorry Mad." She said
I burst into tears again and hugged her tighter.
"I-I don't know what to d-do." I said inbetween sobs.
"Beau and I heard you arguing, he is downstairs talking to James right now. He is a mess."
I pulled away from the hug and went face first into my bed and cried. I looked up to see my best friend wipe her tears, she has been crying all this time?
"I hate seeing you like this, every time you are upset, I am too." She said
"Babe!" Beau called
"I'll be right back." She excused herself and walked out


I walked out of Maddi's room and walked downstairs, Beau was next to James on the couch
"No Beau, I've really fucked up this time." James said quietly
"You have, but you know how in love with you she is."
"I fucking love her, so much! And now, our relationship will probably never be the same." James burst into tears again.
"You are marrying her, you'll out all of this behind you don't worry." Beau gave him a bro hug.
I wiped my tears then walked around the corner, Beau smiled when he saw me and motioned me to sit on his lap.
"How is s-she?" James said not giving me eye contact.
"She's pretty upset."
"Fucking hell, does she know how much I love her?" He asked
"Of course, I guess this was unexpected for her." Tears filled my eyes
"Whats going on?" Luke walked around the corner rubbing his eyes
"Don't worry, just go back to sleep." Beau said
"Beau, tell me." He ordered
"James slept with Claudia, he told Maddi."
"I-It was a mis-take." James whimpered
"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?!" Luke walked up to James and was in his face
"I KNOW ITS MY FAULT!" He yelled back
Tears fell just watching them fight. Beau got up and dragged Luke back so he wouldn't punch James in the face.
"BEAU, LET THE FUCK GO!" Luke screamed
Beau dragged him into my room, I heard yelling but eventually everything was quiet.
"What was that all about?" Daniel asked followed by Jai.
James got up and went in the study and closed the door behind him.
Maddi went around the corner, her brown hair was messed up, her blue eyes were bloodshot, her whole face was red and she really did look bad.
"What was with all the yelling?" She asked.
"Nothing, don't worry about it, just go back to your room and I'll talk to you soon." I told her
She nodded her head and turned around and walked back to her room
"Can someone tell us what the hell is going on?" Jai said
We told him and Daniel everything, beau and Luke came out in the process and Luke looked calmer, Jai was shocked and Daniel acted like Luke.
"YOURE SUPPOST TO HAVE RESPECT FOR WOMEN." He screamed and entered the study
Here we go again
A/N: What do you guys reckon is going to happen? I know but I want to see what you guys think, and also, JAMES FRICKEN POSTED A SHIRTLESS SELFIE ON INSTAGRAM! I LEGIT SCREAMED! But anyways vote and comment, this book has about 10-20 chapters left... :'(

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now