Chapter 13, hospital

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James woke up and looked at me, it has been a day since the accident and James was looking okay to go to America. Gina was in a coma so the Brooks boys aren't doing to well, the police came and asked us questions so I to,d them about my past and they let me off because I said it was self defence

"Hey beautiful." James said snapping me back to reality

"Hey baby." I said giving him a quick kiss

"How's Gina?"

"Hasn't changed. I don't think she' gonna make it to be honest." I said stating to tear up

"Poor boys..." James said looking down

"Yeah, but they said they are still going to America." I said trying to change the subject

"You need to go home and finish your packing! You leave in two days." I said pushing him slightly making him roll his eyes

"Remember the last time you told me to pack. What happened after that." James said making me blush

"Mr Yammouni, you are free to go just remember to take those pills I gave you." The nurse said with a smile

"Let's go." James said running out of the hospital like a five year old running after the ice cream truck. I laughed at his stupidness


"It has only been one day without you here mum, and it's been the hardest 24 hours of my life, I'm sorry for being a little dick when I was growing up, I'm sorry for picking on the twins, I'm sorry I didn't spend much time with you but I just wanted to say I love you so much. We are leaving to America in two days and I really hope you wake up before then just to hear you say good luck, just to hear your voice once more because I won't be able to see you for a whole year. Now I need to go because I haven't finished packing but I told the doctors to call me if you wake up. You'll see Luke and Jai soon, they are just outside waiting to have their turn with you. I love you so much mummy, please try to wake up." I said with tears streaming down my face

I walked out of the room with tears still falling then I decided to walk home since Maddi probably took my car. I walked for 30 minutes until I finally reached my house. The cops promised everything was neat and tidy so the memories wouldn't come back and they weren't lying, the house was spotless. I walked upstairs into my room and began packing until my room was empty. I'm ready to go to America with my best friends.


I walked into the room after Beau left, I sat in the chair next to the bed and held my mums hand which was as cold as ice

"Hey mum, so we are leaving to LA in two days and I know it'll be fun but I don't want to go until you wake up. If you wake up. Now I want to apologise for all the times I made you cry or the times that you basically pulled your hair out because of me because I know I was a prick back then and I know I still am even to this day. If you wake up, you are going to be a grand mother, yes Ariana is pregnant with my baby. I didn't like the idea at first because I'm only 19 but i reckon I'll be a great dad and I think you'll be a great grandmother too! You can teach me how to put nappies on and how to bath them, but that's only if you wake up and that's why you need to wake up mum! For my sake and the baby's. I love you so much." I said starting to cry as I squeezed her hand before walking out of the door. And walking out of the hospital to go home and finish my packing


I walked in to find my mothers dead looking body in the hospital bed. I sat down in the chair next to her and began to talk

"I'm not sure what to say mum. I'm pretty sure the boys said it for me but I'm really going to miss you when we move to LA. And just in case I never see you again, I want to say good bye because I love you so much mumma." I said choking on my tears.

"We have to move no matter what. I can't change the flights because our management are a bunch of twats, so when I exit this room, I probably won't be coming back. I-" I was cut off by the machine next to mum's bed starting to do a long beep. Doctors all came in and ordered me to wait in the waiting room.

'Does this mean I'm an orphan?' I thought to myself.

The doctors came out of the room 10 minutes later and walked straight up to me

"Luke Brooks?" The doctor asked

I nodded

"We are sorry but your mother passed away. We are sorry for your loss." The doctor said

I collapsed on the ground and began to sob loudly. My own mother is gone and she isn't coming back, ever again. What am I going to do?


A/N: I actually cried a lot during this chapter and I'm sorry if it made you cry too. But it's just a story so please vote and comment what you think

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now