Chapter 14, Airport

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I ran home with tears still falling. Why did this have to happen to my mum? Why didn't it happen to anyone else's mum? I collapsed on the couch and cried into the cushion until someone came and sat on the couch next to me

"What happened Luke?" Beau said softly

"Sh-sh-she's gone." I managed to say

Beau tilted his head back and slammed his fist as hard as he could into the wall behind us leaving a hole in the wall and making Beau's knuckles bleed

"What the fuck was that all about?" Jai said running downstairs.

"M-mums gone." Beau said clenching his knuckles and started to cry

"What?!" Jai screamed

"SHE IS DEAD!!" Beau screamed getting up and getting in Jai's face

Jai pushed Beau away from him which made Beau angry so beau threw his bloody fist into Jai's cheek.

"BEAU STOP!" I demanded getting in the middle of them

"Fuck you both! It's your fault!" Beau screamed shoving us both then storming to his room.

"He is right. It's my fault..." Jai said outing his hand in his cheek where Beau hit him. "I'm going to be a horrible father."

"What?" I asked confused

"Shit.." He muttered

"Ariana is pregnant."

I was shocked, mum was going to be a grandmother and she never knew it!

"Shit Jai, why didn't you tell us sooner?!" I half shouted at him

"I don't know but I'm going to finish my packing." Jai excused himself then went to our room.

I decided to tell Daniel, James and Maddi since they are my best friends

I added them in a group chat on Facebook


Luke: Hey guys, so I have some terrible news. Mum died earlier today and they boys got into a punch up. :(

Daniel: Oh my god! No!

James: Are you for real?!

Maddi: I'm so sorry Luke :'(

Luke: Beau kind of punched Jai in the face and now Jai thinks it's his fault that mum is gone.

Maddi: There is nothing any of us could of done

James: Maddi and I will be over in 5

Daniel: I'm coming too, stay strong Luke xx

Luke: Okay, I'll see you guys soon.


We arrived at the brooks household a few minutes later, i admit I was crying a lot and James was a bit teary so I can't imagine what the boys are feeling right now. We knocked in the door and waited a few seconds until a sad Luke came to the door and invited us in along with Daniel.

"I'm so sorry Luke!" I said crying and squeezing him tightly

He hugged me back then bear hugged James and Daniel.

"I'm going to go check on Beau." I said

I walked to Beau's door and waited for a response.

"Come in." I heard him sniffle

"I'm sorry Jai! I was a Di-. Maddi! Hi!" Beau said as I entered the room

"Hi Beau." I walked up to him and hugged his shirtless body.

Beau hugged me back and we didn't speak for a good five minutes.

"We leave in two days." Beau said reminding me that I won't be able to see my best friends and my boyfriend for a year.

Tears started to fall as I thought about it. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 8:30pm. I'm pretty tired so James and I will probably sleep on the couch tonight and Daniel can probably share with Beau. I pulled away from Beau's arms and began to walk out of the room.

"Maddi!" Beau said making me turn around

"Thanks for the company." He smiled

"No problem Bo Bo." I returned the smile then slept on the couch next to James.


This was the day my boyfriend and my best friends are leaving. Jayde and I are really going to miss the boys so Jayde is going to live with me until we can move to LA with them. We were in the car on the way to the airport and I couldn't stop crying. Beau was driving, Daniel was in the passenger seat, I was on James's lap, Jai was on Luke's lap and Jayde was on the other side of them looking out of the window crying.

"We're here." Beau announced.

Niagara Falls was still coming down my face when I got out of the car. James pulled me into a hug and wiped the tears away with his thumb and kissed me passionately. Jayde and Beau were in the other side of the car talking then I saw Jayde's face light up with a huge smile on her face. I looked back into James's chocolate brown eyes and pecked him on the lips then we walked hand in hand into the airport.

It's been an hour and the boys were just about to leave.

I hugged Daniel first.

"Hey Skip, I am honestly going to miss you so much! Your stupidity, your laugh and most of all your hugs, I love you Skippy, keep in touch okay?" I said opening my arms for Daniel to hug me.

"Okay." He said starting to Tear up and he hugged me the tightest hug I've ever had.

Jai was next

"Jai, you have been the bestest best friend ever, I'm going to miss you telling me your secrets, I'm going to miss you giving me soccer tips and I'm going to miss you when you are a father! Treat the baby good okay? I'll see you soon." I said half choking on my tears and I hugged him. Luke

"Oh Lukey, where to I even start? I'm going to miss your very short temper, the way you act when you go agro and I'm going to miss they smile of yours. I love you Luke." I hugged him tightly.


"Beau, I'm definitely going to miss your company, that's for sure! You have been there for me through thick and thin and I wanted to say how much of a great friend you are to me. I love you Bo Bo." I hugged him tightly.


"It's the hardest to say goodbye to you because I know for a fact that I am in love with you. You stuck by me even though you knew of my past and you are honestly the best boyfriend ever! You are my hero James and I love you so much! Without you, I could be dead or worse! Even though you are still in pain because of my stupid parents, you have not given up on me. You are the love of my life James." I said with tears streaming down my face again.

I saw James tear up.

"Maddi, I don't know how to say this because I really do love you, so I'm just going to say it. I think we should break up because you might find someone when I'm away that will be much better than me, I probably won't even have a chance with you when or if it does happen. I love you! I really do but I won't see you for a year." James said with tears falling.

I scrunched up my face and ran out of the airport sobbing. Jayde followed 10 minutes after so she must of stayed to say a final goodbye to the boys. She came up behind me and hugged me.

"Beau told me he loved me." Jayde said with a soothing voice as she rubbed circles on my back.

"Tha-ts great." I half smiled but then continued crying.

What am I going to do without the love of my life?


WOAH! Long chapter! I think this deserves a vote because I am going to be late for my soccer game writing this :'D! Yes! I gave up my soccer training to write this so please vote!

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now