Chapter 2 Meeting The Janoskians

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James opened the door to let 4 rather cute boys into his house, the first one who entered had down hair with a blonde fringe, hazel eyes, a freckle in between his eyes and a lip ring, the second one who entered looked similar to the guy who just entered, he had the same face shape, they had the same smile, they had the same eyes, they must be twins, the third guy to enter had amazing green eyes, a long fringe, a cute smile and long eye lashes and the last guys who entered had hazel eyes, blonde and brown hair and had a lot of muscles in his arm.

"Boys, this is Maddi, my next door neighbour, Maddi this is Luke Brooks, Jai Brooks, Beau Brooks and Daniel Sahyounie my best friends." James said pointing to each of them as he spoke
"Hey, nice to meet you!" I said with a smile
Okay, cute guy has cute friends, cliché much.
"Hey!" The boys said.
"My parents are out tonight so we they are sleeping here." James said to me.
"God! You are so short!" Beau said amazed
"God! You are so lanky!" I said with a cheeky grin
Stop flirting Maddi
"I think I'm going to like this one." Beau said to James
'This one'? Does that mean that he has had a lot of girls over.
"How old are you?" Beau said, I think he is questioning my shortness again
"I'm 18." I said to him.
"WHAT?!mYou look much younger!"
"Thanks, I'm taking that as a compliment." I giggled
"Alright! Enough with your flirting Beau! Let's get this party started!" Luke shouted
I awkwardly smiled
Beau blushed then tackled Luke to the ground.
"What the fuck was that for? Stop showing off I front of James' neighbour!" Luke said pushing Beau off of him.
"What's wrong with your friends?" I whispered to James.
"They are brothers, that always act like this." James said laughing quietly.
"Do you know who we are?" James asked looking down on me.
"James Yammouni and your friends?" I asked slightly confused.
"Well, together, all of us are called the Janoskians. We do youtube videos and we have a pretty big fan base." James exclaimed

"Oh cool, how many subs?" I asked

"Over 1,000,000 now, I don't know why people love our stupid videos so much." James smiled
Maybe because you are insanely gorgeous. I love his smile, his laugh! No Maddi! You can't fall in love with a guy in a matter of 15 minutes! Calm down!
"Can I get your number?" James asked handing me his phone.
"Sure." I said as I typed my number in his iPhone.
"Thanks, babe." Jame clapped his hands over his mouth as he said babe. I blushed like crazy when he said that.
"James! Are you coming over here so I can whoop your butt at FIFA?" Luke said
"Yeah just wait a minute!" James yelled back.
He pulled his attention back to me
"How old are you James?" I asked as I handed his phone back.
"I'm 18" James said while giving me his perfect smile again.
"Awesome." I said.
"Well I better get going, I'll see you soon." I said to James as I started to walk off.
"Maddi! I'll text you." James said pulling me back into a hug.
It felt so right to be in his arms. I never wanted to let go
"Okay, calm your tits bro!" James said as he let go of me
"See yah Maddi."
"Bye James." I said as I walked out of the door.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now