Chapter 24, the new guy?

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I walked to work because it's was really close to my house, I entered the door and smiled at Katie, the front desk lady
"Hey Maddi, we have a new person." She said
She had beautiful blonde hair that went to her chest, blue eyes and she had the most perfect body.
"What's his name? Tell me the details." I laughed
"His name is Aaron, he had chocolate brown eyes and long blonde hair, he is very cute." She exclaimed
Could this be the Aaron that I sat next to on the plane?
"Maddi?" He walked around the corner, yep, I remember those eyes. It's Aaron
"Aaron! Hey!" I smiled
So the day dragged on normally, nothing very interesting happened before lunch, I decided I was going to sit with Aaron because I'm nice. We sat down at a nearby table and talked about random stuff like we did on the plane.
"So, did you sort things out with that boy?" He asked, yeah, I told him all about James and Gina and The Janoskians and stuff.
"Yeah, we are back together." I smiled and took another bite of my salad.
"Damn that's a shame, I was thinking of taking you out." Again smiled back
"We can go as friends."
"Sure." I said
I sat down on the couch and took off my very uncomfortable heels then closed my eyes. Aaron is now working at my work, we are friends but every time I look at him, it feels so wrong. I'm with James and I'm in love with him.
"Someone's happy." Jayde sat next to me
"Yeah, you know the boy that I sat next to on the way to LA? He works at my work now." I hugged her
"So why are you so happy?"
"I don't really know." I smiled again, I swear if I keep smiling, my lips are going to fall off
"Wait, you're still with James right?" She asked me
"Of course."
I'm so miserable, the boys and I were meant to be filming today but I can't, I can't go into the public right now, I've barely gotten any sleep, I've hardly eaten and I can't find the energy to do anything. Beau is pretty much the same, we are missing the girls way to much. I just want Maddi in my arms forever, I need to make her mine forever and I'm going to, one day...
"James! Are you ready!" I heard Luke call from outside of my door.
"I'm not going. Have fun though." I called back
"Alright, just talk to her or something, make her come early." Luke called before walking away
I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Maddi
James: Maddi, I need to talk to you. X
It was a few minutes before she replied which concerned me a little, she always replied straight away
Maddi: what's up? x
James: I need you to fly over here, it's to hard without you x
Maddi: I can't just drop everything and fly over there, work has been way to good, I'm sorry, just wait until Daniel's birthday.
James: You don't understand babe, I've hardly eaten, I haven't had a good nights sleep after you left and I can't find the energy to even walk to the kitchen, I need you. x
Maddi: I'll try, but I have to go, I love you. xo
James: I love you too, I'll text you in a few hours xx
I dumped my phone in the couch next to me, just talking to her makes me 10x better, I stood up and jumped in the shower, then shaved and changed into my pyjamas. It was 8:30 at night, Daniel was out with Chloe, Luke was out somewhere, Jai was with Ariana in Florida and Beau was in his room. They cancelled the recording because no one was up to it. I walked into Beau's room to find him rolling around in his sleep and mumbling something, he was having a very bad dream...
"I've been cheating on you." My own girlfriend said to my face.
I froze, we were at the airport dropping her off, I tried to say something but nothing came out of my open mouth.
"I've never loved you." She spat then slapped my face
"Jayde?!" I screamed as she ran off into a boys arms, I squinted my eyes to see if I knew him because I swear I've seen him somewhere, wait! It was Luke...

"Beau!" I jumped up and widened my eyes, was it just a dream?
"It was just a dream buddy." James sat next to me and smiled
I slowed down my breathing so it was back to normal, if the girls weren't coming over here, we were going to them, I can't live without them....
A/N: hey guys, so.... I was wondering, do you like this story? If you do can you please vote or comment? Also follow me on Instagram @danialskip . Ily guys and please vote.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now