Chapter 23, Home

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We were at the airport. Everyone was miserable especially Jayde and I. I was on James's lap just enjoying his company because I wouldn't see him again for a few months whilst Jayde was on Beau's lap having a heated make out session. The moment I dreaded most was now here, it's time to board the plane. I turned to James and wrapped my arms around his neck and I released a few tears.
"I love you, I'll miss you a lot!" James kissed me passionately
Ariana would have given birth by the time we fly over next time so there's something to look forward to
"We will make this work." I smiled
"I know we will."
After saying goodbye to the boys, we walked to the plane, we were both miserable but over the past week, Jayde and I have hardly spoken so this is our time to catch up. We sat in our seats and this time, I got the window seat.
--TIME SKIP CAUSE IM COOL (Two weeks later)--
This may sound a little weird, but my period was due yesterday and it hasn't happened yet. Can I be pregnant? Maybe, we didn't wear protection. I can't be pregnant, my modelling has been to successful to be pregnant.
"I'M HOME!" I heard Jayde yell from downstairs, should I tell her about it? I think she should know
"Hey Eggy." I walked downstairs and hugged my best friend.
"I need to talk to you." I broke away from the hug
"What's up?" She asked
"My period is late and I'm never really irregular." I confessed
"So what's the problem?"
"Do you think I might be pregnant?" I looked at my feet
"Just give it a week then I'll go get a pregnancy test of your period still hasn't came yet." She hugged me again before heading to her room
I walked back into my room and just laid on the bed, I don't want to be pregnant. I'm only 18, damn! I'm so stupid. I decided to have a shower because I felt like I needed one so I took off all of my clothes and jumped in the shower. I just stood there and thought about how stupid I was. I looked at my feet and a wave of relief washed over me when I found blood.
I skipped out of the shower after washing and texted James because I hadn't texted him all day
Maddi: hey baby x
I got a reply seconds later, that's why I love him, he takes time out of whatever he is doing just to talk to me.
James: hey princess xo
Maddi: I miss you so much it hurts :'( x
James: I miss you too baby :( x
Maddi: how are the boys? X
James: they seem sad, especially Beau. Oh, and Skip has a girl now :) x
Maddi: Ooh! What's her name? Xx
James: Chloe :) x
Maddi: is she nice? X
James: She is super funny, you'll get along with her for sure x
Maddi: I can't wait to meet her! X
Just two more months

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now