Chapter 29, the final chapter

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It has been 2 years since our massive fight happened, I married her of course and that was possibly the best day of my entire life, I am now married to the love of my life and I get to spend the rest of my life with her. We had a beautiful baby girl and her name is Evelyn, she has Maddi's blue eyes but my dark hair. She is absolutely beautiful. Jai married Ariana and Ari gave birth to their girl and her name is Ally. She has Jai's eyes and Ari's hair. Beau and Jayde got married but haven't had any kids YET, Daniel and Chloe lasted about a year but broke up because it wasn't working.
"Babe, can you change Evie's nappy?" Maddi interrupted me from my thoughts.
I walked into Evie's nursery, picked up our tiny daughter and put her on the counter in the bathroom. I grabbed the dirty nappy and put it in the bin before I put a clean one on. Evie is just starting to walk so she is a very happy toddler. I picked her up and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking to the kitchen to find my beautiful wife cooking dinner.
"Look who is a happy baby today." She cooed as she grabbed Evelyn off of me.
We ate our dinner which was potatoes, chicken and vegetables then I picked Evelyn up and put her asleep back in the nursery. I walked out to find Maddi looking at me with her perfect smile. How could a guy like me get the most beautiful girl in the world? I guess I will never know the answer.
The boys were coming around tomorrow so we needed to have an early night. We watched finding nemo until I heard soft breaths next to me. I turned to find Maddi fast asleep next to me with her head on my shoulder. I gently picked her up bridal style and lid her in our king double in our room.
We owned a small house but I didn't mind since it was only the three of us. We didn't own any pets because we were still looking agpfter Evie. Maddi quitted modelling before she gave birth to Evelyn, the Janoskians took a break but after the baby stuff was out of the way, it started up again. We aren't touring anymore because we have to much going on at the moment with the kids, we released a few more singles but no albums. Ariana still sings, and dances and she gave up the vegan thing so she put on a tiny bit of weight but she is still thin.
I climbed into bed next to Maddi and fell asleep short after. Luckily Evie is a good sleeper so she doesn't wake up until around 7 in the morning which is good. She called me daddy the other day which put me in an amazing mood the entire day.
I woke up at 6:56 in the morning by the baby monitor going of, I walked into Evelyn's room and found her playing with her stuffed toys in tp her cot. She smiled when she saw me and giggled. I chuckled then picked her up and kissed her on the cheek then walked back to our room and found Maddi awake and looking at me.
"Muma." Evie said
Maddi gave a toothy smile then took our baby and placed her on the bed
"What's my name Evie?" She asked
"Mmmmmm" she swayed her arms about
"Close enough."
Evie began blowing raspberries and laughing. She is going to be a very beautiful lady when she grows up, just like her mother. The door bell rang indicating that the boys were here, I walked to the door and greeted me friends and their girls then told them that we just woke up.
We had a great day, we watched movies, talked a lot, and many more stuff but the fun part about it all was spending time with them.
Maddi and I were sitting on our couch watching TV
"This is my dream come true, you know that right." Maddi said out of no where
"How?" I replied giving her my full attention
"Spending time with just you, you are the love of my life." She replied
"Just me and you."

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now