Chapter 20, The Mall

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James and I arrived at the mall after a five minute drive, we entered and were already mobbed by fans.
I grabbed James's hand because fans were pulling me in all different directions.
"Girls please!" James shouted
They continued to cry and shout, they even started to sing 'real girls eat cake'. The air was hard to breathe and I was panicking, 'I think I'm having a panic attack' I thought to myself. My legs collapsed beneath me and just like that, everything went black


There were about fifty girls scrounging me, I couldn't see Maddi anymore, the security finally pushed the girls away after a few minutes with screaming fans in my ear. Don't get me wrong, I love the fans but I wish this sort of thing never happens. Security pushed every girl out of the mall and I couldn't see Maddi, I looked in the area that we were in and there she was, on the ground.
"Maddi!" I ran up to her to check if she was breathing, yep she was
I shook her and continued to say her name until her beautiful eyes looked up into mine.
"Oh, hey James." She said as she rubbed her head.
"Hey babe." I kissed her cheek
She stood up but gabbed my shoulder for assistance.
"We need to get Beau something then we have to go before I pass out again." She said
"Sure thing princess."
I got Beau a few new shirts and jeans while Maddi got him a few new snapbacks. We basically ran to my car so we wouldn't get mobbed again and we drove home in absolute silence.


We pulled up to James's house to find that everyone was there. Tyler, Jacob, Beau, Daniel, Jai, Luke, Ronnie and Jayde. We left the bags in the car so Beau wouldn't question what we bought him. I walked in and I was greeted by everyone hugging me.
"Hey bestie!" Jayde hugged me
"Hey, long time no see." Ronnie hugged me
"Hello best friend girl." Luke hugged me.
"Hey." Jacob smirked and tapped me on the butt. I pulled away and gave him a death glare. I never really liked Jacob.
"I've missed you!" Tyler hugged me
"Hey gurrrrl." Beau said in his horrible American accent. I hugged him and the rest of the people then we sat on the couch.
"ITS TIME TO PAAAARRTTTAAAYY." Beau screamed at the top of his lungs.
Wait, a PARTY?!

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now