Chapter 10, I've had enough

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I got released from the hospital a few hours later and the boys and I went straight to James's house and watched movies like we normally did. We watched horror because the boys wanted to torture me so I just cuddled up to James until I eventually fell asleep. I woke up during the night, I reached to grab my phone and checked the time 3:49am. I rolled over to find James next to me cuddling me, I smiled at his cuteness and I couldn't resist to take a pic and put it on Instagram.

'@maddi_brown aww look at James! Such a cutie!! @jamesyammouniofficial'

I put my phone back down and tried to get back to sleep until I heard a faint knock at my window. I didn't want to wake James up just i case it was nothing but I had another bad feeling. I slid the covers off of me and slowly crept to the window until the window smashed and something came flying toward me and knocked me straight in the stomach

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" James said rushing ever to me

I felt like I was going to vomit and the pain was stinging

"BOYS!" James shouted

Boys? I thought they went home? Beau, Daniel, Jai, Luke and Jayde were running the hallway until they saw me.

"What the fuck happened?" Jai said kneeling down to me

I was on my back on the floor curled up in a ball and clutching my stomach

"Some idiotic person threw a brick and it hit Maddi in the stomach" James explained

Jai studied the brick and found a piece of paper attached to it. He read it out allowed

"Dear Maddison,

You are to come home with us immediately or we will harm your little friends you have there. You have been warned.

-Mum and dad xo".

"What don't they understand? I don't want to fucking go with them!!!!" I screamed

I started to cry until Jayde came and sat next to me and hugged me.

"It's okay Maddi! We will get through it." She said with a soothing voice

James carried me bridal style back onto the bed and the others went back to the lounge room to sleep. I fell asleep in James's arms

I love waking up in James's arms, they make me feel safe. I tried to sit up until and shooting pain hit my stomach. I moaned in pain then lifted up my shirt to see a massive purple and blue bruise just above my belly button. I sighed then got up, had a shower, got dressed into a shirt and denim shorts then did all my facial stuff then I went to the kitchen to find Jayde and Daniel talking

"Hey Maddi! How are you feeling?" Jayde asked

In reply I lifted up my shirt for them to see the bruise

"Holy shit! You need to rest!" Daniel said shocked

"I'm okay guys. Trust me." I put on the best fake smile I could

I wasn't fine at all. I wanted my parents to back off and let me live my life the way I wanted. I don't want to be depressed again and I don't want a daily beating. I just want to live a normal life with my boyfriend and my best friends. I grabbed an apple then went back to James's room. James was awake and on his phone. He turned to me with a smile.

"Hey princess." He said kissing me on the cheek

"Hey." I replied bluntly

"Are you okay?" James said grabbing my hands and looking straight into my eyes. I felt like I could trust him so I told him everything that was wrong.

"Oh baby! Please don't cry!" James said wiping my tears that I didn't realise we're coming down my face.

"I want them to stop." I said sobbing now

"It's okay baby! Do you want to go to the police station?" James asked cupping my face

"No I want to take care of this with you guys! I want them to die from my hands and I'll say it was in self defence if the cops ask anything."

"Are you sure you want to 'kill' them?" James asked raising his eyebrows

"At least torture them like they did to me."

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now