Chapter 5, Biggest Shock Ever

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I woke up by a loud bang at the door. I checked my phone, it was 2:49 in the morning. Who could it be? I got up and walked to the door, I don't know why but I had a very bad feeling about this. I put my hand on the front door knob and slowly twisted it. I opened the door and there they were, my parents.
"Maddi!" My dad shouted from his room. Mum wasn't home, she was at a 'meeting'.
"Coming." I yelled back to my dad as it got up off of my bed.
I slowly walked into his room and I couldn't see him. I closed the door behind me and walked toward the window until a big muscly arm wrapped around my neck. I tried screaming but the persons hand was over my mouth. This man turned me around so I could see his face. It was my dad. He tied me to his bed and stripped me down so I was fully naked, and he pulled down his pants, I knew what was coming. He raped me
I was shocked. I did not expect them to be here, I opened my mouth but no words came out. I felt another presents behind me so I turned around to find James standing with the rest of the boys behind me.
"Who are these people Maddi?" Beau asked. He still looked half asleep.
"My..m...paren....s" I said almost in tears.
I think James saw my eyes
"Get out." James ordered
"We want our daughter." Mum said
"You don't have the right to call me that!" I half shouted.
"I had to put up with you for years! You made me go into deep depression! You made me harm myself! You beat me until I couldn't breathe! I was raped, tortured, depressed, hurt no words could describe the way I felt when I was living with you two stupid excuses for parents!" I screamed at them showing them the scars on my wrists
They stood there with there mouths opened
The boys had their jaws dropped to the ground, I could see Jai tearing up. I slammed the door I their faces and ran to my room and cried into my pillow. The boys came in and tried to comfort me but all I wanted to do was cry until I had no tears left.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Luke asked in a calm voice
"You guys would think different of me." I said sitting up and wiping the tears away from my cheeks
"Maddi! We love you for who you are! It doesn't matter if you have a bad past! We are your best friends and we will love you no matter what." Daniel said kissing me on the forehead.
James lifted up my chin so I was facing him. I must look like death itself but I couldn't care less at the moment. James lent in and kissed me passionately, I felt weak, I had butterflies and I felt fireworks. We pulled away and the look on the boys faces were priceless. They were all shocked, all me and James did was giggle.
"Maddi and I are dating." James said looking proud of himself.
"Right! That would explain it." Luke said smiling
We all went back downstairs and went back to sleep until I got a text.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now