Chapter 12, they're finally dead

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The boys were hiding behind a wall outside of the house
"Go Maddi." Daniel whispered
I walked in to the house quietly and shut the door behind me. "Hello?" I called out.
My father was dressed in black and he had blood on his knuckles
"Well, well well. Look who we have here." My father said as he grabbed my arm.
If James wasn't in his position, I would of pulled my arm away but I want James safe so I just let my father touch me.
"You can have me if James goes home." I said with tears threatening to fall.
"James? Oh, that tall boy with dark hair? He is in the back. Go have a look." Dad said with a smirk
I walked toward one of the bedrooms my dad pointed to. I opened the door and walked inside to see James strapped to a wooden table. His face was purple with bruising and his nose was Niagara Falls with blood coming out of it. I stood there in shock. I ran over to him and cupped his face. He hissed in pain.
"Maddi?! What are you doing here? It's not safe!" James said. He was loosing his voice, probably cause he screamed a lot.
"We have a plan, just don't say anything okay?" I whispered to James
I untied the ropes that was around his wrists and feet and stood James up. He was very weak.
"What do you think you're doing?" My mother came into the room.
"He nee-" I was cut of by someone outside moaning in pain.
My mother turned around to look who it was. This is our chance. I put James's arm sound my shoulder and half carried him. I grabbed a nearby knife and ran toward the door with James.
"GET BACK HERE!" My parents yelled
I ran toward where Daniel was hiding before and found him there crouching with Jai, Luke, Beau and Jayde. They were all shocked when they saw James
"Oh my god bro!" Luke said pulling off his shirt and wrapping it around James's arm that was cut open. I hadn't seen that before.
"Now!" I yelled as Daniel stood up and aimed his pistol at the house.
"Did you see my mum?" Beau whispered
"No, I couldn't see her." I said
"That's it!" Beau said. He grabbed Daniels pistol and bolted toward the door.
"BEAU!" Jai screamed
We sat there in silence as our parents were most probably looking for us right now. We heard a few gun shots then silence. We heard two pairs of footsteps coming our way. I started to shake. Daniel poked his head over the wall again and his eyes widened. He ran toward the house and came back with Gina and Beau.
"Di- you- k-k-kill the-m" I stuttered
"Yeah." Beau said starting to cry
I looked at Gina. She was breathing but she was very pale and bruised
"Mum! We are going to get you to the hospital! Hold on." Jai said as he started to cry.
We jumped into the car and drove as fast as we could to the hospital. We pulled up minutes later. I half carried James and Beau carried Gina. We were in the waiting room for hours waiting for any news at all. I nurse finally came out of the room they put James in.
"Miss Brown?" The nurse called out
I stood up and walked over to her
"James has multiple broken ribs, a broken arm and many deep cuts throughout his body. We need to take a few more tests but he should go home tomorrow. Please look after him because anymore injuries and he could of died." The nurse told me
"Okay." I half smiled at her.
I walked into James's room to find him sleeping. He had a cast in his arm. I don't know how he is going to go to America like this. They were leaving in three days.

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now