Chapter 20, Party Or Perv Fest?

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I decided I should forget today's events with a few beers with James, it's been about an hour since the party started and so many more people were in the house, people were on the bench making out, in James's room, in the bathroom and even in the shower.
"Hey, Maddi." Jacob came up behind me.
"Hi..." I rolled my eyes
"So, do yo-o want to dance?" He slurred
"No, I'm going to find James." I replied as I started to walk away.
"C'mon baby." He grabbed my waist from behind so my butt was right up against his crotch.
"Get off of me Jacob."
"You got a fine bootay." His arms worked their way to my lower body
"Fuck off." I ran to the kitchen.
James was in there talking with Beau and Jayde so I jumped into his arms making him put his arm to the wall to keep balance
"Hey babe, are you okay?" He asked
"Jacob is being a pain but I think I'm fine." I kissed his cheek
"I'll have a talk with him, what did he do to you?"
"Touching me in my lower body..." I looked down
"That dick!" James ran to the lounge room
I followers him until I bumped into a familiar face.
"Ariana?!" I widened my eyes
"Hey Maddi, have you seen Jai?" She replied
Her hair was tied back into her usual high pony tail, she wore a purple dress that hugged her body perfectly that showed off her baby bump, purple heels and dark make up
"Uh, I-I think he is in his room." I said nervously
The reason I was nervous was because I hadn't really met her before
"Okay, thanks." She flashed me her perfect smile then walked upstairs.
I found James in the living room right in Jacobs face as people surrounded them.
"You can't do that to me girl! That's not right!" James shouted
"We all know you are only using her." Jacob took a step closer to James
"I'm not using her, I love her!"
"Yeah bullshit! You're using her for the sex!"
James swung and hit Jacob right in the nose making it instantly bleed.
"You mother fucker!" Jacob swung back and hit James in the stomach.
He was in the ground being kicked by Jacob.
"NO!" I screamed and ran over to my boyfriend.
"Jacob get out!" Beau came over to us.
I stood up and was instantly knocked back down by Jacobs back hand. James then stood up and punched him making him fall the ground.
Beau carried Jacob outside and drive him home.
Jai then ended the party and the house was trashed, this was possibly the worst day in history....

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now