Chapter 3 The Kiss

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I walked back into my house and into my room, I collapsed on my bed smiling. 'James is so cute' I thought to myself. My phone buzzed
Unknown: Hey Maddi, just wanted to check if this is you haha x
Maddi: Hey, yea it's me, I'll save your number x :)
James: alrighty x
I threw my phone on my bedside table and continued to unpack.
It has been two months since I've moved to Melbourne and my life couldn't be better, the Janoskians are my best friends, my job is fantastic. Today the boys are coming around to have a movie night like we usually do on Friday nights, they will be here around 5:00pm and it's 3:30pm now. I have a lot of time. My phone started ringing, it was James
"Hello?" I said
"Heey gurl." James said in his American accent
"Hey James!" I said giggling
"You know you sound really cute when you giggle." James said
I blushed
"You know you need to stop flirting." I said with the biggest smirk ever, he chuckled back
"Anyway, I was wondering if I can come earlier, I'm bored and I want to talk to you." James asked
"Okay sure, come when your ready." I said still smiling
"I'm at your front door..." James shouted so I could hear him at my door.
I rolled my eyes and skipped to the front door, I opened it and there stood my best friend. I greeted him with a hug then he dumped his stuff on my couch.
"It's cool, just make yourself at home." I said sarcastically
"Okay." He winked at me
I blushed then I sat next to him on the couch.
"Listen Maddi, I know that we are best friends and all, but whenever I'm with you, I feel butterflies and whenever you hug me I get goosebumps. I just wanted to say that I like you a lot." James said looking straight into my eyes
"James, I feel the exact same way." I smiled
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said with longing eyes
I gave him an answer by giving him a passionate kiss on his soft lips. Our lips fitted perfectly together for about 30 seconds until we were out of breath. I had been waiting to do that ever since I met him, it felt perfect.
"Wow..." James said with the biggest smile on his face
"Is that a yes?"
"Yes you idiot." I smiled back
We talked for about two hours until the rest of the boys came over. We usually slept at my house because mine was the biggest but the boys usually payed for pizza and stuff.
"Hey Maddi!" Luke said giving my a tight squeeze
"Hey Lukey!" I squeezed him back
"Hello there Maddison." Beau said in his posh voice and he hugged me
"Hello there Mr Brooks." I hugged him back
"Hey." Jai said. He looked kind of sad. I'll ask him about it later
"Maddi! My sister from another mister!" Daniel said giving me a bro hug
"When are you going to grow?!" Beau asked as I closed the door behind everyone.
"When are you going to shut the fuck up?" I said with a cheeky grin.
"Feisty!" Beau said with a chuckle.
We all sat on the couch and ordered our pizza and talked while we waited, James and I hadn't told the rest of the boys about us yet.
"LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Luke screamed like a 2 year old.
This should be interesting

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now