Chapter 25, Suprise

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It's been about three days since I've last talked to James, he won't inbox me, text me, call me, Skype me or tweet me. I'm worried and I just feel like crying. Beau hasn't been talking to Jayde either which is really weird. They were inseparable.
"You know staring at your phone won't make him text you faster." Jayde said whilst entering the room.
"I miss him Eggy." Tears threatened to fall as I replied
"I know you do."
Jayde looked at her vibrating phone and got excited, it was Luke.
"Hey Luke... Yeah... I miss him so much... OH MY GOD... I won't... Okay, see you." She hung up then skipped out of the room before I could ask her what happened
I ran downstairs after her a few seconds later but she was already in my car starting the engine.
"I'll be back in a few hours, just keep yourself occupied, love you!" She called then drove down the road.
I had hours with nothing to do so I quickly checked Twitter. James tweeted something
"On the plane, can't wait to get there #excited"
Excited for what? He was going somewhere without even telling me? I released a few tears then put on some comedy movies, I needed something to cheer me up.
It's been three hours since Jayde left, I'm so bored and I'm pretty sure I've walked around the house aimlessly about twenty times. I was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat when a heard a car pull up outside. I figured it was only Jayde so I went up to my room to watch some YouTube.
"I'm home!" I heard her call from downstairs.
I only just sat down so I'm not getting up again
"MADDI! COME DOWN HERE!" She called again
"You come up here!" I yelled back
I slowly crept out of my warm bed and down the stairs where I found her in the kitchen talking to herself
"You still have that habit of talking to yourself?" I laughed
"Yeah, it's a great habit to have." She seemed strangely happy... Weird...
"What's going on?" I asked
"What do you mean?" She replied
"You are way too happy..." I squinted my eyes and smiled
"Maybe she is happy to see me." A familiar voice came from behind me.
I turned around to find my best friend, his emerald eyes, his long fringe, his YOLO hat, his familiar cologne. My eyes watered.
"Cmon, don't leave me hanging." He opened his arms
"Beau..." I sniffled then ran into his arms
"Hey, still haven't managed to grow, huh?" He chuckled
I giggled and stayed in his arms for a couple more minutes.
"Hey, I'm pretty sure he is my boyfriend." Jayde laughed
I smiled then pulled away from the hug
"Can you please go get me your phone?" Jayde asked as she hugged Beau
"Sure." I ran upstairs and into my room where I found someone else. His black hair, his chocolate brown eyes, his dimple piercing. I cried a bit more before colliding my arms into his.
"Oh my god, I've missed you so much it's unbelievable." James put his chin on the top of my head
"I've missed you so much too." I smiled.
He gently grabbed my chin and leaned in until I felt his lips that I've missed so much into mine. I closed my eyes and cupped his face, he wrapped his arms around my waist lightly lifting me off of the ground.
I pulled away and wrapped my arms around him again. I looked up at my perfect boyfriend and found that he had a few tears sliding down his face.
"Aw baby." I wiped his tears.
"It's so hard to live without you Maddi, whenever I'm not with you or not talking to you, I feel depressed, lonely, sad, and it feels like my heart has been broken. But when I am with you, I am beyond happy, I feel loved. You are the most amazing girl in the world and you are so perfect, yea you've had a bad past but we have all had bad experiences. When I asked you to be my girlfriend, I was so nervous that you might say no, but when you said yes, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. And that first kiss, I instantly knew you were the one, the girl of my dreams. I am actually so in love with you, I didn't even know it was possible to be so in love with someone. Now I'm just going to cut do the chase, will you be mine forever? Will you marry me?"


Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now