Chapter 16, seeing James?

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I walked in to the house to find Luke on the couch watching TV. As he saw me, he screamed like a girl then picked Jayde and I up and spun us around.

"I've missed you two!" Luke said giving us a kiss on the cheek.

"I've missed you too Lukey." I said as I hugged him.

Jayde was in Beau's arms when Luke showed me to my room, I guess that Jayde will be sharing with Beau which is okay, because I like to have some alone time sometimes.

"Where's James?" I asked just before Luke entered my room that I will be staying in for a week.

"He's uh..." Luke said rubbing the back of his neck

"Shopping, yeah shopping." Luke said.

He is such a bad liar...

"Luke, where is he?" I asked again.

"Okay, I wasn't supposed to tell you because I know you will be upset, but he is out with a girl named Claudia, his girlfriend..." Luke trailed off

My heart shattered into a million pieces. How has he moved on in a month?

"Oh." I replied trying my best not to cry

"Don't worry Maddi, Claudia is a massive bitch and James will realise that soon enough." Luke said giving me a faint smile.

Luke opened the door to my new room and instantly my mouth dropped. It was a huge room with a king size double bed, cream walls and even a balcony overlooking the ocean.

"Wow." I said

"You like?"

"I love."

Luke left me to unpack a bit and take a shower. After a got dressed, I heard someone calling my name from downstairs so I walked downstairs and into the living area to find Beau, Jayde, Daniel, Luke and Jai all giving me a nervous smile.

"What's going on?" I asked a bit concerned

Just as I finished my sentence, James walked into the room holding a girl who I haven't seen before. I assumed it was Claudia... She had brown hair that looked dead and it came down to her waist, hazel eyes, she was taller than me (anyone is taller than me) and she had a make up filled face which looked so fake. I could already tell she was a bitch.

Just seeing James holding her like he used to do to me made my heart shatter even more, it made me want to punch her make up filled face.

"Hey, I'm Claudia, but you can call me Claudeo." She said with her high squeaky voice.

"And who are you?" She asked

"Maddison." I replied bluntly

"Is it okay if I call you Maddi?" She asked again

"No, only my friends call me Maddi."

What has gotten into me? I've never been this rude to a stranger before, it's probably because I haven't got a chance with James anymore.

"Oh... I see." She said wrapping her arms around James.

James... I totally forgot he was even there, he was staring at me the whole time.

"Maddi, it's... Good to see you uh.. Again." James stuttered

"You too..." This is so awkward.

"I'm going to go unpack a bit more. Bye." I excused myself and ran up to my room as tears fell down my face.


That was the most awkward conversation Maddi and I have ever had, I am only dating this skank because I needed to get over Maddi. Yes I am playing Claudia but it has helped me start to forget my feelings toward her but when I saw her, the feelings immediately came back. It's like Maddi and I are made for each other.

"James, I need to tell you something." Claudia said in her annoying high pitched voice

"Okay, go ahead." I said

"Privately." She said pulling me upstairs and into my room.

My room is the furthest one down the hallway so I had to pass Maddi's room to get there. As I passed it, I heard faint sobs which made me feel guilty. Claudia pulled me into my room and sat on the bed

"What is up that bitch's ass? Who is she anyway?" She asked

"She isn't a bitch and that happens to be my ex." I replied getting angry, how dare she call Maddi a bitch!

"Well, I'm way better." She replied, how up herself can she get?

"I mean look at her ugly face and body, she is so fat! I can't believe you dated her." Claudia said


"Nice joke, nothing is over unless I say it's over." If she was a guy, I would bash her right now

"Get out of my house Claudia!" I shouted at her.

"Fine, but that bitch better watch her back." Claudia snapped

I have to make things right with Maddi, I love her...

Just Me and You (A James Yammouni fan fiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now