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Asra X Reader


  Since Asra's recent farewell y/n stayed with the countess, she was treated like royalty and much more. Yet something was missing, the one who's taught her house to understand and use magic and learn the ways of Tarot cards. Asra. Tonight was the masquerade ball, Lucio would come out to play and Nadia would want y/n to find someone she'd found interesting, but no one there could make her fall in love with them, she'd only love Asra.

  Y/n began to think to herself and soon became all too much to handle, portia told dear y/n that there was a waterfall not far from the palace and that she should go there to calm down. Taking Portia's advice, y/n got a horse and rode off to the waterfall.

  What y/n wouldn't know is that Asra would be there, staring up into the stars while Faust played with the water and slithered around Asras limbs.
  Y/n got off the horse and slowly walked over to the waterfall, not noticing her teacher across from her. Laying down y/n closed her eyes and thought of him "please come back safely...." she mumbled to herself sighing deeply. Opening her eyes y/n brought out a gem that Asra had given her before his recent trip so that she could be protected without a spell.
Tears began to fill her vision that she hadn't noticed a figure walking towards her. "Y/n?" A familiar voice called out. Said y/n perked up and jumped back "Asra!" She bursted out "how are you here?!" A few tears slipped. "This isn't a dream... is it?"
" no no it's not a dream y/n, it's real, Faust is real I'm real it's okay please don't cry" Asra pulled her into a tight hug to calm her down.

"I thought you were on your adventure? Why would you come back?" The two walked with the animals following behind them.
"Well... it's crazy to say but I came back for you, I was thinking about it and I wanted you to come, I knew how curious you were and well here we are"
Y/n stopped in her tracks and looked up at Asra "you didn't need to... I could've waited till I was stronger" she shyly looked away, hearing Asra day that made her extremely shy that he though about her.
"You are strong, you're the strongest I know, well. Faust's hugs are pretty strong but you're still stronger y/n don't ever think otherwise of yourself. Why don't we go to this ball and leave afterwards?" He suggested and held her hands lightly. "I'm cool with that... to be honest Asra, I don't care what we do just as long as I'm with you"

—- latur that nightu—-

The ball began to die down and people began leaving, some stayed in the guest rooms, Nadia hadn't noticed her dear friend y/n left with her love.
The two went back to the waterfall talking about random things that made them laugh. Asra really began to think and got quiet, did he... love y/n? The thoughts began rushing quickly and Asra couldn't help but to just kiss her. He blushed deeply and pulled away "I-I'm sorry y/n! I uh... sorry" he hid his face, her on the other hand giggled and gently took his hands in hers and kissed him deeply, they shared the kiss until Faust hissed and wagged the end of her body telling them to get a room. The two pulled away and laughed a bit

"I love you y/n"

"Oh yea?"


"Hmmmm wanna prove that?"

"I could prove that everyday"

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