Reader x varian

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Heh sorry for not posting any stuff ;-;
Anyway here is where the story keeps on going!
Also watch the video first cause it also part of the story. I do not own this video
And the girl is you. Sorry though, you can imagine your self instead of that girl.
The girl is you and varian is varian lol. So just imagine the girl is you and a different gender if you want.

There was something about Jessie. You always got jealous when Jessie was with varian, what if Jessie has a crush on varian too? No that can't be it, what if it was? Then it's a battle between you two.

You sit outside on the bench. Bored. Then varian sees you.
Yeah then the video happens. And that stuff.

Yes you kissed varian. You both blushed. Then you confessed "varian...I love you..." you said. "(Y/N).....  I Love you to....". You both kissed. Then Jessie walked past you two,looked at you two. Almost tears in her/his eyes. Then ran. "What's up with her/him?" Varian asked you. "Oh Jessie had a crush on you..." you said. "Well I didn't love her/him anyways heh." Varian said.

"So would you like to be my.....?" Varian said. "YES... I mean yes heh..." you said. You both kissed again blushing.

With Jessie.
"UGH I CANT BELIVE THAT (Y/N)!" Jessie said. Really angry and tears coming down. "I loved him! Anyways that
(Y/N) was never my friend anyway HE/HER took My varian away!" Jessie said. Talking to herself. Jessie grabbed
Her/his diary. There as he/she wrote down the diary. DO NOT BE FRIENDS WITH (Y/N). (Y/N) WILL STEAL YOUR CRUSH SO BE CAREFUL!. Jessie cut a photo of (Y/N) and glues it underneath the writing.

Then as Jessie walked out of his/her house Jessie bumped and tripped on someone.....
It was Jessie's friend. Alex. "Oh I'm sorry Alex I wasn't looking we're I was going" Jessie said. Almost tears in his/her eyes. Jessie rubbed of the tears. Then Jessie felt like she was in love? Alex kind of blushed. And Jessie too.

"You should be careful Jessie were your going heh." Alex said. They both got up. This was love.... Jessie was crushing on Alex?.. and Alex was crushing on Jessie?....

                                                             But that's a whole different story ;)

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