Back to school

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Yeah yeah school Au bla bla bla
bUt ThIs tImE Varian And Rapunzel aRe cousins
And they both live in the same house big house yOu cOuLd sAy Mansion-
And they've been homeschool before and this is there 2nd year going into school because kindergarten it didn't go very well and welp now there hErE again and yeah...

Varian and Rapunzel both were in front of the school

"Sigh, Great were bAcK here..." varian said. "Come on Varian I'm sure everything will be fine I promise" Rapunzel said.

"Okay okay, but let's just sit next to each other at lunch okay? I'm not really good at making new fRiEndS" he said.
"Okay" She said."Wait your one grade higher than me right?" He said grabbing her arm. "I guess but I can sit with you at lunch hopefully" Rapunzel said. Then they  both walked inside.

They went to different classrooms.


Varian walked inside with his hoodie. God this is even Harder than I thought why life new kids really? I can't make friends! He said in his mind. He sat in a desk far away from the other kids. A teacher came in. "Okay students I would like you to meet varian Our new kid in our class" The teacher said. Varian stood up. Introducing myself?! Whyyyy He said in his mind. "Umm Hi my name is Varian and...uhmmm-"  "please help Varian around in this school,show him around he is new here,- you may sit Varian" the teacher said. He sat down. "Okay here's your schedule" the teacher said giving him a paper. "Schedule? What?" Varian said confused. "You'll be going around 8 different classes with 8 different subjects, or might as well follow your classmates around and not learn at all where your going" the teacher said. What? How come dad didn't tell me about this? I'm new to this, I could get lost around this school! He said in his mind

Rapunzel walked inside the classroom. Okay a Rapunzel your new here time to make some new friends! She said in her mind. She sat down on a desk with the other kids. But the kids just minded their own business ignoring Rapunzel. Then a teacher came in. "Hello class I would like you to meet Rapunzel" a The teacher said. "Hello my name is Rapunzel, I love doing art and I hope we can all be great friends" She said. "You May sit down Rapunzel," the teacher said. Then the teacher walked up to a Rapunzel and gave her a piece of paper. "Your schedule 8 classes,8 different subjects" The teacher said. Wait my parents didn't say anything about moving class to class! She said in her mind. Ehh I guess this must be a new thing because I'm in a higher grade than 5th grade and we're nit kids anymore...she said in her mind

The bell rang and People got up and got around each classroom. When They both were going to their class they saw each other. "Oh hey varian!" Rapunzel said. "Hey Rapunzel!" Varian said then they both walks away.

It was lunch. Rapunzel texted Varian saying Hey are you here? Wait we're in different grades o course we're nit going to see each other very much... she texted varian. I guess but maybe they are clubs in this school that we can do together?.
Varian said texting Rapunzel. Okay after school we can decide Rapunzel said texting Varian.

It was almost time to go home. So then Rapunzel asked the teacher. "Umm is there clubs in this school?" Rapunzel asked. "Well they are clubs in this school I could give you all the different types of clubs they are in this school if you want" "well I do want to join in a club" she said. "Okay here's the paper" the teacher said. There was a lot of clubs to join into. "Umm in the clubs is there like any Grade can join in, like example 6th 7th and 8th are in the same clubs and it's fine? know what I mean..." She said nervously. "Well they sure are, any grade can join in, mixed grades in a one club it's fine" the teacher said.

It was dismissal. They went home. "So how was school children?" Arianna said. "It was fine, I guess" Varian said. "It was great" Rapunzel said. Then the both of them went to Rapunzel's room. "Okay so here's the list of clubs they are" Rapunzel said pulling out the paper. "Woah there's a lot!" Varian said. " are we going to decide which club we should decide going to?" He asked, "Wait why are we even doing this? We could just spend time together at home-"
"But I want to see you at school spend time with you at school it's much fine with new people around us" Rapunzel said.
"Okayy so which club?" He said again.


"I suck at art and it's not my thing, RaPuNzEl you kNow tHaT"

"How about science? Rapunzel?"

"Umm science is not my thing yOu kNow tHaT tOo"

"Ughh how are we going to decide?!" Varian said. "How about singing class, come on be brave Varian you sInG beautifully!" She said. "U-uh nO! I'm not ready to sing in front of a bUnch oF pEoPle!" He said. "Drama club?" She said
"Bruh, we can't even act that well, we just make bloopers when we were suppose to act out a sad musical, you know the last time we did that! It went bad" He said. "At leAsT it wasn't at school!" She said. "Rapunzel" "Okay okay"
"At leAsT singing? Come on I heard you before singing" "that's because your my cousin, I trust you" He said. "Umm cooking club?" She said. "No, no, mmm mmm no we suck at cooking too almost caused a fire last time we cooked in the kitchen" he said. "It was at home not school" "still though no"

"Soccer club?" "You cant run that fast, you get tired easily,Anyways I'll just suck anyways I suck at stUfF" varian said.
"At leAsT nOt At studying!" She said. "Wait, book club?" He said. "No I hate reading you nerd" Rapunzel said.
"Come on! Why can't we make a club like braiding your hair club?!" He said. "I mean look at your lOnG bLondie hair" varian added. "I just dyed my hair blond like a month ago..." Rapunzel said. "Ehh it looks tOtaLLy real" he said.

"UghhhHh this is too hard we can't have one single thing in common!" Varian said laying down at the floor groaning.
"I just want some yummy cookies there the best, They just bake the best cookies ever" He said. "Baking....BAkInG....Wait that's it! We can try a baking club! I mean we both love cookies don't we?"  Rapunzel
"Of course who wouldn't love cookies?" Varian said. "Then we'll just try out the baking club" She said. "Okay then baking club it is" He said.

"Let's just hope we don't mess up"

"Well if we measure the ingredients right and the tempter-"

"You really are a nerd varian"

"cOmE oN!"

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