Back to school 2

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kEeP iN mInd I nEvEr weNt tO a cLuB bEfOre sO I dOnT kNow hOw iT gOes sO yEaH...
I'm alive

Next day of school...

"Okay we signed up for the Baking club"

"The cLuB iS AfTeR scHoOl wHatS tHe pOinT of this Rapunzel??"

"Well basically Finding our talent and getting to know some new kids..."

Schedule as always and it was after school. Rapunzel and Varian headed inside the school once again. "Ughh this is just to hard we are going to get lost!" He said with no hope at all.

Few minutes later they found it.

"We're here!"

"What are your names?" The teacher said
"Oh I'm Rapunzel and this is Varian!" She said "oh Well Nice to meet you take a seat I'm Ms.C" She said holding up the attendance sheet.

"Okay class today will be making Cookies" Ms.C said. "OH mY gOd yEs! Cookies!" Varian whispered to Rapunzel.
The whole class Followed the instructions that the teacher gave them and it was fun for them. Varian doing the meaning perfectly LoL. And Rapunzel having fun. As Rapunzel was walking To get more flour. Going into another room.She tripped and bumped into a boy who was holding the flour making the flour Fall onto Rapunzel. "Hey watch it sunshine!" The boy said. "Well I'm sorry!" She said.

Rapunzel got up and Taking the flour of her self while coughing. Then the boy starting laughing a little. "Could you stop laughing??" She said, "well I'm sorry sunshine you look funny with that flour on your self" the boy said. Rapunzel then glared at him. "Let's start over clumsy girl, the names Eugene" he said. "Well I'm Rapunzel" She said. "Okay RapunzEl, if your looking for more flour it over there" Eugene said then he walked away closing the door.

She got the flour then she walked out the room, "woah um, Rapunzel what happened to you?" Varian said. "Oh well. I tripped, and... Got flour on me..." she said. "Well okay...." He said. Varian continued making the cookies and put Purple food coloring in the batter.

The whole Baked cookies and the club was over they all went home. "Hey Want tO tRy sOmE purple cookies I made? Tell me if there good!" Varian said, "well okay" Rapunzel said. She took a bite. "These are so good! Wait how about you try mines?" She said, "okay" Varian said. "These are also good!" He said.

They got home. "Well hOw was your club-" Then Ariana looked at Rapunzel. "Sweetie what happened to you?" She asked. "Oh well....I tripped and the flour got on me....?"
"Well okay go get yourself cleaned up" Her mom said. "Okay" She said walking to her room. "Oh look, I made some cookies even Rapunzel! " varian said, "well that's nice Son" Quirin said.

Varian nocked on Rapunzel's room. "Psst, Rapunzle?" He whispered. "Come in varian" She said. "What is it?" She asked Varian, "Who was that boy? You know when you got flour on yourself..." Varian asked, "his name is Eugene, I'm nit sure if he is the same grade as me or not though, well whatever it's not like I'll see him again" Rapunzel said. "You know how your dad feels when you get around with boys..." He said. "I know... My dad is protective, It's not like he is a bad boy or anything he is a nice guy" She said. "Well okay, Hey want to play some video games with me?" Varian said excitedly.

Next day

Both of them went to their classes. Varian sTill didn't make new friends. Rapunzel made one friend. It was then Recess.
Recess was crazy. People were running To recess like it was there freedom time. And so Varian ran along with them screaming "IM FREE!!" 😂 and Rapunzel just walking.

Rapunzel and Varian saw each other. "yEs fInaLLyi can take a break!" Rapunzel said Laying down at the Grass and Varian joined in.

It was  dismissal until Rapunzel saw a familiar guy. And the guy looked at Rapunzel. "YOU" She said. "Oh hey Sunshine" Eugene said. "....don't call me that!...." Rapunzel said crossing her arms. "It suits you Your Hair is blonde, or maybe I should call you Blondie" He said. "Oh come on! Stop with the nicknames, or maybe I should call you Mr.Bad guy" she said.  Then another guy came in joining in. "Oh hey Lance!" Eugene said. "Oh hey- EYYy a new girl your talking to eh?" Lance said making the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) face. "W-What? No I just met her a day ago!" He said. "At leAsT spend the time with her!" He said. "W-Wait wHat?! Are you sHiping me with this guy?! Nononono" Rapunzel said. "Whatever, the names Lance" he said. "Well I'm Rapunzel" She said. Then Rapunzel walked away wanting the cOnfUsIoN weirdness that was going on to stop.

"We can hang out later right?" Lance said. "U-uh- suRE!" She said then she ran. Until she saw Varian wait for her. "What took you so long I was going to leave you!" He said. "Oh I saw Eugene again and, his friend" Rapunzel said.
"Okay, just be careful, you know your dad...." Varian said. "I know... hey made any new friends?" She asked. "Well no, You kNow I sUcK at making friends, and the people in my class label me the weird kid,smart kid, and well...iM sO LonLeY" Varian said. "Well maybe you can make friends with my friends?..." Rapunzel said. "Sounds great,... but they won't be my friends I suck anyways I'll be a loner fOreVer" He said.

"No you won't I'm sure you'll meet someone, aNd mAyBe gEt a GirLfRieNd eHh??"

"w-wHA-whAt? NO! I'll never gEt One mAyBe you'll get a BoyfRieNd jUst yOu wAiT"

"Nah I'll never get one-"

"Eugene x Rapunzel-"


"oH LoVe aT fiRsT siGhT I'll wait a few days until you guys get closer and that's when I'll start shipping it hard"

"Varian... nO-"

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