Chapter 1

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iM aLmOsT oN wRiTeRs bLoCK hElP mEeEEeEeEeE
Also varian didn't plan his revenge since he was too sad and erm...
Dad....gone.... yeah....sadness varian hates Rapunzel still though...

The storm was over and everyone was save. Rapunzel got united with her parents. And completely forgot about varian. Me: *cough* Rapunzel how could you

And varian lost his father. Stuck in amber. He was crying. In the corner with Ruddiger.

Some days later

Varian was keeping a low profile around corona. And whenever he was even teens around his age would tease him. And varian would run if into the woods crying. And Ruddiger would come along too.

Varian sat in rock. And threw rocks at the river. And then he heard a sound. He walked up to the river.

"Wow....what do we have here?"

Varian picked up a bottle that had purple liquid in it.
Varian then put the bottle in his apron pocket.
Ruddiger chittered saying like what did you find? "Oh it's nothing don't need to's just a bottle I found in the river...." varian said. He got up and started to walk home. Still avoiding people. When he got there his stomach rumbled. And Ruddiger chittering you need to eat " I don't..." varian said. He didn't eat for days. He got very weak. He didn't have a lot of energy. He then started experimenting or researching about the bottle and then he found out. It was a mood potion. Varian threw the bottle at the corner of the room.Breaking the bottle.His vision then got blurry. And his vision was going black. He then fell at the ground. Passing out.

Ruddiger then chittered. Some how trying to help. But Ruddiger went next to varian and kept him company. And slept.

A few minutes later

Someone opened the door. Ugh that dangerous kid at least he will be gone the stranger said in HIS mind. "There's the kid take him away" the stranger said. Then the raccoon woke up. And started making hissing sounds protecting varian.
The stranger kicked him. Making him hurt badly. Ruddigerb whimpered and stepped away from them. 2 stranger then carried varian. And who knows where they kept him.


Varian woke up. Stressed out. He let out a moan. Then he looked around. What where am I?! Varian said in his mind. He then looked at his arms. He had chains on his arms. Geez what did I ever do?is this jail.? Varian then said in his mind. Then he tried to get out of the chains. But he couldn't. Oh great is this what I get for 'attacking the princess'? Oh wow the princess sure has a lot of protective fans. Varian said in his mind. Then varian was getting annoyed with the chains. UGH WHY CHAINS JESUS CHRIST they could've at least tied me up to a chair or something or leave me locked up in a freaking room, but nAH they chained me up?! Varian then said in his mind.

Well great now I'm talking to myself varian said in his mind. A door opened. Oh great "the person who kidnapped me" welp... varian said in his mind. A stranger in a black hood came up in front of varian. "Your awake, come on moon drop". The stranger said getting rid of the chains in his arms. Then pulling him. "Wait wait, what? Moon what?" Varian said. Not understand what the stranger said.

The stranger pushed him down at the floor in a tiny room. "Could've been a little nIcEr" varian said. The stranger kicked him in the torso. "I don't care your staying here for a while" the stranger said.  Varian kept quiet. And the stranger left locking the door. Pfft for a "while" I'm probably going to stay here locked up forever varian said in his mind. Varian stood up looking around the small room. There was a chair in the corner of the room. And no windows.but a small window that varian couldn't fit in and escape. It was up in the room the small window Which only left a little light inside the dark room. Varian didn't know what to do. Ah great when it's night my nightmares will come and get me in this room varian said in his mind. He laid down at the floor and looked at the window seeing clouds. He just watched the clouds. Since he was bored.

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