Chapter 6

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iM continuing tHis

"They will all pay"

Varian was laying down at bed. He wanted to free his father the sooner or later. But he couldn't. He was hurt and that stuff. Why do these stuff happen to me anyways.... varian thought. He looked out the window. Until he heard chittering. It was Ruddiger!. "Hey buddy missed me that much?" He said. Petting him. Ruddiger chittered like of course I missed you! Your my best friend! The raccoon then snuggled varian. "Yeah, it's been a while since I saw you.." varian said,

"Everything has been going really fast, the black rocks, the moon drop which is me, I've now got 3 enemy's wanting I don't know what they want don't remember, my dad is encased, can anything go worse right now?" Varian said talking to Ruddiger. Then they heard sword fighting in the hallways. "Ah yes anything could go worse any minute now" varian said.

Varian sighed. "Ruddiger go hide I don't want you to get hurt just..., hide under the bed or something..." varian said. Ruddiger chittered saying what?! I'm not leaving you! I'm staying right by your side. "No...Ruddiger..." varian said,
The opened quickly. 2 people entered in. It was Cassandra and a man. They were both sword fighting. The man had brown hair brown mustache brown eyes, and also looked like a dangerous criminal. He also had a cape on him.

"U-uh Cass?" Varian said, he wanted to say more but he couldn't he was confused wondering what was happening. "Varian-" Cassandra said but then. The man went up to varian. "You...moon..will cause a Lot of problems" the man said.
"Wh-" then the man used the sword and about to hit varian. All varian could do was hug Ruddiger and close his eyes, until Cassandra stopped the man from hitting varian with the sword, Varian opened on eye. And looked at Cassandra.
Varian sighed of relief. Cassandra then kicked the man. And made him fall of the floor, leaving the man defeated. Guards came and took him away. "Are you okay?" Cassandra asked varian.

"Yeah I am, but how did he know I was...moon?" Varian said. "I don't know..." Cassandra said. Rapunzel then came running in. "I heard what happened the man escaped and....are you guys okay?" She said. "Yeah we're fine raps, but the man knew varian was the moon drop" Cassandra said. "What? How? We didn't tell anyone did we?" Rapunzel said.
"Eugene couldn't told anyone-" "he would never"

"Then will just ask the man for answers" Cassandra said.

And they there were the man handcuffed in his cell,varian refused to stay behind, so he came too and Rapunzel had to help varian walk. There they were stranding in front of the mans cell.
"Want to know how I know he is the moon drop ey?" The man said. "How?-" "it's obvious the looks on your faces!" The man said. "Just tell us how did you know?..." Cassandra said in a annoyed voice. "They never told you did they moon?" The man said to varian. "What....?" Varian said. "Obviously your dad knew your mother too, old Corona people also knew it". Varian stayed quiet for a moment. Thinking. He was, Confused. Mad. Disappointed?.... "Oh don't be mad, your dangerous just like the people said in corona" the man also added.

"Okay I think that's enough-" Rapunzel said. But interrupted by varian. "So you all knew too? Didn't you?". "Varian we didn't if we did we've couldn't told you!" She said. "Then how did they know? Cassandra you knew? It's been months since you princess came here also Eugene!" He said. "Kid I didn't know either" Cassandra said. "Now, I don't know who to trust anymore! How, should've been left alone, my dad didn't tell me anything no one told me anything the truth about me! How can I trust anyone now!?" He said letting of Rapunzel who was helping him stand up. "Varian-"
"No! Leave me alone!" Varian said getting more mad. He then fell on the ground.

"Okay let's just get out of here" Cassandra said. "Yeah" Eugene said. Varian then backed away from the them. "Varian,lets just go this is not the place to argue please" Rapunzel said giving him a hand to help him stand up again.
"I-....." then something felt oddly painful. Feeling Someone right behind him. Sleep moon. He then passed out. "Varian!" Rapunzel said. Going up to him. Only a few minutes passed and Varian felt someone carrying him. Really great I'm being carried and this is weird. I don't even wanna know who I carrying me varian said in his mind, while  closing his eyes. He then felt he was back at the bed, so then he opened his eyes. So he let out a groan.

"Oh, varian!" Rapunzel said. Cassandra already left so Rapunzel was only there."Look,about earlier-" "it's fine varian" Rapunzel said. "I also don't want to be here all day in bed.... why can't I just be outside?-,I know my condition, still though...." he said. "You can't walk that properly varian" She said. "A quick fresh air?" Varian suggested. "Okay..." Rapunzel said.

They there were the garden. Varian sat down. "Finally at least peace,-  I can get a view outside until the other times" varian said to himself. Rapunzel then sat down with varian. "It sure is peaceful here" she said. "Yeah....." varian said.
Varian didn't look at Rapunzel, "is something wrong?" She said. "Yeah, of course there's something wrong. I just need to keep working on, and free my dad!....." varian said. "....varian you know your health is important, after your better you can go and work on freeing your dad...." Rapunzel said. "I know but...still just let me out of here free kind of?" He said.
Rapunzel sighed. Minutes past.

"We should head back inside" she said,standing up. Varian nodded. Aww leaving so soon? Such a shame . A familiar voice said to varian. He then quickly looked behind him, "you heard that?" She said. "I did wait it's not her isn't it?" Varian said. Shame oh wait you caught me it is me! Moon and sun drops. Gothels voice said. "Great! What do you want?!" Varian said. Want? No... revenge is what I want! Forget about you joining us I just got a better idea. "Why can't you just leave us alone?! You've done enough harm!" Rapunzel said.

Cassandra then looked outside seeing varian and Rapunzel talking to.... thin air? She then walked outside. "Who are you talking to?" Cassandra said. Oh hey dear I see you joined us Gothels voice said. "You again?!" Cassandra said.
"Varian behind you!' Rapunzel said, "wha-" then Gothel grabbed varian Forcefully he couldn't move. Cassandra pulled out her sword, "let go of him now" Cassandra, said. "Let go or...I'll sing the incantation again" varian added, "varian!" Rapunzel said. Gothel then pulled out a knife and let go of varian, she then went to attack Cassandra. But she failed.
Rapunzel used her hair. To wrap her hair around Gothel so she wouldn't escape. "Now your not escaping" Rapunzel said.

"Heh, what about the others?" Gothel said, "gone" varian added. "What?!" The 3 of them said. "I mean,erm... there was a spell in the tower where she..." varian pointed at Gothel. "Wasn't looking. Or paying attention. The incantation I sang. The 2 of them were then gone, I felt it. They were to late to leave. So it looked like they left escaping, but really they didn't" varian said, "And that leaves only you" Rapunzel said. "Such a disgrace what are enough going to do now?" Gothel said.


And there was Gothel in the prison cell, staying there for a long time.
Days past.
Varian manages free his dad. Both happy. Quirin then was told varian knew he was the moon drop.
"Son I'm sorry, I should've told you before I thought you weren't ready-"
"It's okay dad" varian said, "I'm only happy that your here with me" varian added.

The eNd tHerE
I dId iT
*runs away*

*goes outside*

🎶 look at the grass the dirt just like I dreamed they be 🎶


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