Chapter 3

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I had no idea what I just did but my body made me do it
I like write myself so I can participate to the wattys award contest thingy and then I realized that was a f*ing mistake.
I'm younger than 18 as I read in the rules thingy. And it gives you money if you win.
Well I don't know if there gonna kick me out of the wattys awards thingy since I'm younger than 13.
I WaNnA lOse sO pLeAse mInD mE dOinG tHe Oppositee of the rules
And if the Wattpad can't see in my account I'm younger than 18 is because always when I'm making a account. I invent my own age so yeah.... hey I'm not that young if your wondering not 7 or 8 or 9 though
let's get on with the story...

Cassandra and Eugene were yelling at each other. And even at the kids. While Rapunzel was just watching.

"Uhh guys"- She said wanting to interrupt cass and Eugene.

And then varian started crying because he wanted attention and wanted the yelling to stop. Then lance was screaming too. And then that made varian scream and cry even louder.

And then lance stopped screaming. Cassandra and Eugene stopped yelling. And Rapunzel was trying to comfy varian. And then varian was the only one screaming and crying out loud which made the queen ran in fast. "Awww don't cry little varian you gonna make me cry too " Eugene said, "great" Cassandra said "what going on here?!" Arianna said.

And then....

The varian copied What both cass and Eugene said. And that shocked everyone.



And that shocked everyone that a kid was cursing. "Who told him that?! " Arianna said. Lance then said "Oh IT WAS THOSE TWO" he pointed at them both. And then Cassandra and Eugene's cheeks were red. "AND I! HOLY SH*T! WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!" Varian said in a singing voice. Rapunzel covered his mouth. "Ok good singing voice but let's sing another song" she said being Uncomfortable that some guard were watching like what's with these people look. "This is varian mom he turned kid size" Rapunzel said.

"Then okay let me take care of varian because you guys are bad influence" Queen Arianna said Carrying varian. "Okay who's taking care of lance while we find the toy?" Rapunzel said. "Not it" Cassandra said. "Not it either" rapunzel said. And the that left Eugene. "Fine I'll take care of lance" he said. "oH aNd hEy Rapunzel would you mind helping me?"
"Well Fine we both take care of him" Rapunzel said.


"You should say bad words varian" Arianna said. They both were In her bedroom, and sitting on the bed. "Why? They said it" varian said. "But they are grown ups and your well... um a "kid". She said. "Well ok I won't say sing that song but when I'm older I will!" Varian said. And Arianna said nothing. "Uh......" she had no words.

It was night.
They couldn't find the toy any where because the castle was so big.

So the group  even the queen decided they would have there own bedrooms. But when varian and lance heard that...
"NO IM NOT SLEEPING ALONE IM SCARED BEING ALONE" varian said kind of yelling. "But you were just alone in the hall ways varian!" Cassandra said. "But that's different it was day not night" he said. "I want to sleep with someone pleaseeeee" varian said making cute big eyes. "Aw Fine you'll sleep with me varian"
Arianna said. "Yay I'm not lonely" he said reaching his hands up on Arianna the queen. "Ok so what about you lance?" Eugene said. "Ummm I don't know maybe I'll sleep here with food" Lance said. "Uhh ok lance" Rapunzel said.

Well the toy was found because the guards looked every where in the next day.

Varian snuggled with the queen when they were sleeping.
And yeah

To be continueddddddd

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