Back to school 7

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So I'm bAck wIth thIs

... meanwhile with Rapunzel and the police when varian was Falling



She then ran up tried to grab him but failed.
"It's okay-"
"HOW IS-.....This okay?! You failed at saving him!" She said she started crying.
"He is fine Ma'am Go there a big cushion at the bottom if anyone fell" the police said
Rapunzel then ran and went straight to the down stair case.

"Varian?! VARIAN!" Rapunzel said she then saw him.
He was covered up in blood,
Lance Eugene and Cassandra was there.
They were both in shocked faces and scared worried for them both.
"Rapunzel your okay!" Eugene said
"I'm going in with a Varian to the Hospital guys coming?" She said
"Yeah we will" Cassandra said


Rapunzel Was sent to the Hospital too in case she was badly injured.


Varian then slowly opened his eyes
His head hurt
His leg hurt
His whole body hurt.

Where he was It was all white. He was in the Hospital. He then heard a beep sound
Beep beep beep beep beep
He then had a mask on it helped him
He slowly moved his head to look around the room he was in.

A door opened.
"Varian? Oh my god Varian!" Rapunzel said. Tears started forming in her eyes.
Rapunzel's Parents came in the Varian's Dad.
Then the 3 friends came in. Varian then gave a Confused face.
A Doctor came in and checked in varian.
Varian stayed Quiet.

"Kid can you try speaking?" The doctor said.
Varian still stayed Quiet. What what is happening? He said in his mind
"W-what is h-happening?" Varian said. "Do you remember anything?" The doctor said. "No" Varian said.
The doctor sighed. "I'll be back" The doctor said

"Varian you've been "asleep" for a whole week I'm so glad your okay!" Rapunzel said
Varian kept giving a Confused Look. "Son? Are you okay?" Quirin said.
Varian then sat up quickly looking around. Everyone then quickly tried making him lay down the "bed".
"Varian this isn't the right time for you to sit up..." Cassandra said.
"Varian lay back down please" Rapunzel said.
Rapunzel then put her hand on Varian's hand
But Varian slapped her hand away from him. "Varian-"

"I don't even know who you people are! why should I even listen to you!?" Varian said.

Everyone was shocked.
"Listen here you lay back down right now we're going to get the doctor" Ariana said.
"No! I don't want! What's wrong with me?!" Varian said he started to walk. Until, 3 doctors came in. And grabbed Varian making me lay back down. "Let go of me!" He yelled. He kept shoving,Pushing,and Hitting.
The doctor Then Gave a Varian a shot. "This is for the better" the doctor said. "Wh-what?...." W...wait whyyyy am I gettting sleeeepyy....." "n-no......" Varian said. Tears forming in His eyes, eye's getting droopy he didn't have any energy left. He then fell asleep.

"What happened to him why is he like that?" Quirin said he was worried. "We're going to check him...All of you can leave and wait outside" the doctor said
They all nodded and sat down on the chairs. Rapunzel then worriedly touched her face and thinking why did this had to happen?.....  "Rapunzel I'm sure they can get his memories back...." Her mom said

The doctors then left the room. "So how is my son?" Quirin said. "He is badly injured still, he will need treatment's and medicine"
"I'll give you more updates about this ,come back tomorrow..."

They all walked outside the Hospital.
Rapunzel then had tears streaming down on her cheeks.

The next day

Rapunzel didn't feel like going to school. It wasn't the same without Varian.

When the 4 of them went to school a bunch of people went up to them asking questions of the

"What happened when you were with the man?"

"What happened in top of building?"

"What happened to the boy who fell of the building?"

"How did the police find you?"

"How scared were you when you got kidnapped?"

Eugene then went in front of Rapunzel protecting her from the crowd. "Guys please stop this isn't any of your business!" He said. "Yeah he is right you people really got to stop being so nosey!" Cassandra said.


After school

All 4 of them even Varian's Dad aNd a Rapunzel's parents came in to visit varian.

Varian opened his eyes. He then got aggressive. "y-yOu!" He said to a Rapunzel he tried getting up but his energy hit drained out he was all weak. "What have you...done to me!!" He said. "Varian we...I didn't do anything to you don't you remember?...." She said, "no I don't,Remember what? What happened to me? I still don't know who you people are!" Varian said. "Varian don't you remember me?" Rapunzel said waking up closer to varian.
Varian then got a little of his energy and quickly backed away from Rapunzel. "What about us?" Ariana said to varian.
Varian shook his head saying No I don't
Varian then looked at Quirin.

Quirin gave a sad look. "Son don't you remember me?" He said . "Son? What.... no...." Varian said.
"Any of us seem familiar? At all?" Rapunzel said. "No your just strangers to me" He said.
Varian was all bandaged up he had scratches, only a bruises, bandages on his head and leg..
what he was wearing was just some Big,Long, clothing a doctor gAve yOu         (A/N: if you know what I mean oOf)
White socks on, white shorts on too,

"Just leave me alone..." he said grabbing a white blanket and covering himself with it. "But were your family members well except the 3 of them" Rapunzel said. "Well I don't know you guys! Your complete strangers to me!" He said. Tears starting forming in his eyes, it hurt his head seeing Them again.

"And how do I know my name is Varian?!" He said. Ugh why are these "Wires" on me?! There annoying and it hurts there on me! Varian said in his mind.
Varian then start tugging on the "wIrE" on his arm. "Don't touch that Varian!" Cassandra said. Touching his other arm. Varian then slapped her arm,of him. "I don't want any of you touching me" varian said. Giving them a Annoyed,Angry glare. They all took a step back. Then they sat down on the chairs watching varian cover himself with the blankets.and doing some random stuff.

"This is my fault....I should've grabbed him and I got the chance to run away!" Rapunzel said she started to cry.
"It's not your fault sweetheart things happen..." Arianna said.
"He isn't going to be his normal self like he used to be...." she added. "He doesn't even remember's us!" She kept saying.
"He also hates us now" lance said.
Eugene glared at Lance. Even Cassandra. "UmmmM we could just try and make him remember?" Lance also said.
Rapunzel sighed. "There's no use...We lost him....but we can try..." she said

Varian listened to what they were saying. The word remember is what they kept saying.

Total of words: 1205

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