Back to school 4

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rEeEe i'll nEvEr dIe!

They were still at the grocery store

Varian wanted his ship come true, hE wAs dEtERmInd
"U-umm hEy rApunzel?" He said. "I'm yeah varian?" She said. "Well could you go and talk to Eugene for s second?" Varian said my plan will wOrK mUhHaHa- "W-what why?" Rapunzel asked suspicious. "Oh I just....wANt tO prank Eugene sO you'll distract him!" Varian said. "Oh okay!" She said she went over and talked to Eugene.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Varian walked even more closer To Rapunzel until. "wOoPs!" He pushed Rapunzel. Making her fall on top of Eugene. "Oh sHiP shIP" Lance said. Rapunzel and Eugene blushed turning red. looking into each others eyes. Until Rapunzel snapped out of it. "W-Wh... VARIAN!" She said getting up quickly. "What? Oh-"
Rapunzel ran after varian. "nO iT wAs a HarMlESS PrANk rAPuNzEl!" He said running away. They both quickly paid for the stuff and they ran outside. "sToOoP cHasIng mE pLeEaSsE I dOnT wAnNa dIeE" Varian said.

"nO wHy dId yOU DO THAT hE Is jUsT a fRieNd!" She said. "oR maYbe eVen more than a friend!" Varian said. THe got to there home. "aH lEt mE iN!" Varian said he opened the door. "hEy dAd! BYe dAd!" He said running into his room and shutting the door. "Whew!" He said he threw himself into his bed.

"VArIaN!" She said knocking on the door. "iM not done with yoU!" She said. "I'm not getting out of mY room until yOu cHiLL dOwN cOusIn!" He said.

In Varian's room he had his own bed. Room color was light blue. Stars painted on top so when he sleeps he could see it glow in the dark. (WhIcH Rapunzel painted for him). A Wooden special table which where he does his homework and study. A drawer which is for... Random stuff. Another drawer where he puts his notes in. And a shelf which has books,whenever varian wanted to read something. His bed color of a Dark blue. No themed of something. A closet where he had his sweaters and clothes. And sneakers.

"UGHH" Rapunzel said. She went into her room and shutting the door. In her room. Her room was colored light Pink and Rapunzel painted in her room because she wanted to decorate it for fUn. There was her bed, Flower themed. And. A White table. Which where she does her Homework and study. And drawers where she had the stuff she could tie her hair and stuff and A bubble gum packet. Another drawer had her Art supplies and She has a small extra space in her room where she had a canvas and she paints. A closet where she has her clothes, and Shoes.

An hour past.
Varian slowly opened the door peeking outside. Okay I see no Rapunzel anywhere fReEdOm!  He went out and went to the kitchen and made himself Food. Yum Ham sandwiches! I mean who doesn't love Ham sandwiches amiright? He said in his mind. It was Quiet in the house and it was weird. It hasn't been this quiet before..wHaT hApPNed tO mY LifE? He said in his mind.

He looked behind him. "aH!"
"It's just me Varian" Rapunzel said. "It's really quiet here.... mEh mIghT aS wELL pLaY vIdeO gAmEs" Varian said leaving the kitchen. She sighed. Varian then grabbed the controller and put a game on the Tv. "*sigh* shouldn't you be studying?" Rapunzel said. "I already did studied I'll just play this game for like 50 Min" varian said.
"Okay then" she said.

Next day

They all went to school. HoMewOrk,TesTs,sTreSs, sAd LIFe, aNd sTufF. It was then dismissal. And Cassandra came along. "OH mY gOD CassandRa wHy-" "I'm always going to join in buddy so deal with it" Cassandra said. "Varian dId yOu InvItE hEr?" "Wha-" "no he didn't, mY gOd EUgEnE you always hAvE tO cOmpLaiN abOut mE" She said.
"Let's just go" Rapunzel said. They all walked to tHe
grOcErY sTorE

"What,why aRe We heRe?" Varian said confused. "well wE aRe heRE tOOoOooOooOoO sHopLiFT!" Eugene said. "Wh- I never agreed to this wh-" "okay see your bAd InfLueNcE, Jesus Christ Eugene Your still on that shop lifting thing?" Cassandra said. "eH we will. It get caught-" "wE *cOugH* I'm not doing it" Cassandra said. "Same" varian also said. "Yup..." Rapunzel added. "I wILL" lance said.

B R U H mOmeNt

"IM OUT!" Varian said walking to the Exit. Put Eugene pulled him back in. "Come On gUys okay you won't do it but lance and I will so I guess you guys are just gonna buy some things..." Eugene said. "Okay then bYe" Varian said walking to section where it had School stuff. "I'm going with Varian" Rapunzel said. "I'm going with...Rapunzel" Cassandra said.

"What whY are we here?" Rapunzel asked confused. "Let's jUsT sAy.... I cAmE hErE...fOr....uh... extra notebooks and stuff...." He said nervously. "But didn't you already like buy ALL the school supplies you needed?" She asked to her Cousin. "alWAys nEEd a fEw ExtRas in case I lose my supplies..." He said. "Okay....."

Once he was done they went to the Candy Section. "CANDY~" He said.
Varian went and ran to the candy and hugged the Candy "my Love~" he said
Rapunzel was just there watching him like Wut
Cassandra was there annoyed and like Why Life

Varian went and ran to the candy and hugged the Candy "my Love~" he said Rapunzel was just there watching him like WutCassandra was there annoyed and like Why Life

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A/N: I tRieD- LOL

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