Switched bodies 2

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yeS iTs bACK

"I'm sure he will let me" Rapunzel said with no hopes ;-;

"Great this going to be the hardest day of my L I F E" Rapunzel said. "Yeahh also for me" varian said, "how am I suppose to get used with this hair? Wait I could do anything I dreamed oF" Rapunzel said. "nO-" "yEs!" Rapunzel said.
She then used the long to make a swing "hAh yoU can't stop me RapuNzEl" she said. Swinging herself with the hair. "Oh wait there's so much more I could do-" "varian nO!" Varian said.getting her down. Cassandra then just came in. Seeing varian acting like Rapunzel and Rapunzel acting like varian. "Okay this is crazy why are you both acting like each other?" Cassandra said. "Oh hey Cass" varian said waving and smiling. "RapUn- varian!" Rapunzel said. Putting his hand down. "Everything is fine cassi- Cassandra" Rapunzel said. Nervously. "Yeah everything is really fine Cass " smiling nervously. "The varian I know calls mE Cassie not Cass" Cassandra said in front of varian

We're doomed. Rapunzel said in her mind. "Okaaaay CasS everything is really fine do nOt worry" Rapunzel said. Shoving her out the room then closed the door, "well that's just great Cassandra is suspicious now!" said to varian.
"Okay so you eRm vaRian don't act so.... rApUnzEly" Rapunzel said, "Fine then you don't act like varIaN"  varian said.
"Fine" Rapunzel said rolling her eyes. "But we aFtEr we're done with oUr schedules we go out and go to that place we were in before" Rapunzel said. "Fine varian but Just don't do anything....variny?" Varian said. "That's not even a word- but come on how do I act like you?" Rapunzel said. "Umm positive and cheerful" varian said, "okay then your gonna have to act stubborn and sassy" Rapunzel said. Putting her arms on her hips.

A day before what happened....

"Look varian cave!" Rapunzel said pointing. "Ummm I'm just saying I don't think it's safe to go inside..." varian said. "I'm sure it is kinda safe what worse could it be?" Rapunzel said. "You dragged me into this!" Varian said. They walked into the cave. "Well now what?" Varian said putting his arms in his hips. "Your the smart one sooo what do you think?" Rapunzel said. "We only came here for entertaining because we were bored and everyone was busy! Geez just because I do alchemy and really smart doesn't mean I know like everything" varian said making a face palm.

"Woah Look varian symbols!" She said pointing at the walls. "Of course this could mean the could be traps in here and some ancient thing is in here" he said. Rapunzel then accidentally stepped on something which was a trap. "Ahhh!" They both said. "Wait powder?!" Rapunzel said. "Powder is harmless though I mean- this powder could be something" varian said. "It's just powder white purple sparkle powder what worse could it do varian? I'm sure it's fine" Rapunzel said. "Let's just goooo" varian said. "Okay" She said, they both took of the powder they had on. Then walked out of the cave.

"Look pRincess if anything happens to use because of that powder then we are coming back here got it?" Varian said. "Okay Okay varian it's just powder, let's just go home" Rapunzel said.

"Okay guys rap- erm varian will be sticking with me for a while!" She said holding on to varian by the arm. And varian smiling and waving awkwardly. "Blondie you sure your really okay?? You two are acting like each other-" "yes yes we are fine Eugene!"  Then Ruddiger came in front of varian. Varian just stood there, ummm great... what now... varian said in his mind. Then Rapunzel held up Ruddiger. "Hey Ruddiger!" Rapunzel said cuddling him. Eugene and Cassandra stood there with a What the heck? Face. "Okay blondie dO yOu need to tell me something?" Eugene said in front of Rapunzel.
Rapunzel looked at varian. "Really um, varian do you know what's going on here?" Cassandra said to varian in front of him.

Varian looked at Rapunzel like should we tell? Face. The Rapunzel looked at varian shaking her head slowly. "No cassSsiee everything is fIne rEaLly you people should really stop worrying so much" varian said smiling again awkwardly. Taking a few steps back even Rapunzel. Then varian fell on the floor. Good job princess you just made this ten times worse Rapunzel said in her mind. Cassandra helped him up.

"Both if you are acting like each other " Cass said. "Uhh-" then Rapunzel interrupted, "oh we are playing act like the other person chilling for a Whole day!" She said quickly. "Okaaaay that's makes sense" Eugene said, Rapunzel then quickly gave varian a glare. And varian shrugged. "Okay but varian will be sticking with me as I said!" Rapunzel said holding on to varian again. "Okaaaaaaayyy" Eugene and Cassandra both said. "oKaY cOme On vArIaN lEts gOoO" Rapunzel said dragging varian into Rapunzel's room again.

"That wAs cLoSe RapUnzEL we can nOt tell anyone about this" Rapunzel said. "Okay okay but when are we going to the cave again? If you have time-". "We are going after I fIniSh yOuR meeting and-". "What about the thing with Eugene"


"nO pLeaSe lEt mE sKiP iT I hAtE l o v e" Rapunzel said holding on to varian's legs. "Come on please it's just for one day it's our tradition" "nO rApuNzEl!" She said still holding on to varian's legs. Cassandra then opened the door, "hey raps-...... okay I'll just come back later....." she said closing the door. "Come on it's just for one day how worse can it be?" Varian said. "The worse things are iM sTrAiGhT and iM YoU bUt iM vaRiaN it's weird for Eugene trying to kIsS mE and those love sick things eW" she said, "it's just a few hours-". "nO!" "Pleeeaseee you can not say no to that come onnnnn I'll make it up to you"

"Okay but with what?"

"Umm I'll give you A lOt oF hAmsAnDwHciHeS-"


Cassandra then came back in and Rapunzel quickly let go of varian's leg. "Okay raps you need to go to your meeting now" "umm can rAp-errr vAriAn come with me?" Rapunzel said standing up. "Why would you need him with you?" Cass said. "I just need hIm oKaY?" wAiT sOuNds wRoNg XD- "what?" Cassandra said making a face. Rapunzel's face then went red with embarrassment realizing what she said. I've messed up big time... she said in her mind "nOO I mEaNt I jUst rEaLLy nEeD hER-hIm-nO I wAnT hIm To cOmpaNy mE iN tHe mEeTinG!" She said quickly. And varian aka Rapunzel was there covering his mouth and giggling.

"Okay Rapunzel your really acting weird I'll be back..." Cassandra said closing the door quickly. "Good job pRiNcEsS vArIan you messed uP" varian said still giggling, " I did nOt know what tO sAy okay? Cassandra was there in fRoNt oF mE" Rapunzel said still red. "OOooOhHh someone has a cRusHh" varian said, "what?! NO!" She said getting more red.
"Varian has cRush varian hAs A CrUsh oHhHhHh" varian said. "NOoOoo I dOnT!!" She said on the bed laying there covering her head with a pillow. "Okay okay I'll stop" He said. "Fine but can you show me we're the meeting is?" She said getting of the bed. "Okay just follow me" He said grabbing her hand.

They both got out the room. And there was Eugene and Cassandra waiting for them both. And they both saw Rapunzel's face was still red but fading away slowly. "Sunshine you sure your okay??" Eugene said. "Yes as I said I'm rEaLLy fIne" Rapunzel said, "yeah he-ShE is just going to the meeting" varian said letting go of her arm. "Why are you red?" Cassandra said. Rapunzel then quickly gave Varian a bad glare. "Ohh it's just rEaLLy hot outside ya now?..." She said.
"Okay well go ahead with your meeting Blondie" Eugene said. "Okay bYeE" she said they both ran.

"yOu jealous eUgeNe?" Cassandra said, "no I'm not! I'm sure there just great friends" Eugene said.

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