Switched bodies

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It was morning

Rapunzel woke up. In her bed if you should Say. Rapunzel let out a yawn. Until she realized. "Wait where am I?!" Rapunzel said. She looked at her hands then looked under the blankets. "What is going on?!" She said almost yelling.
"Oh my god wait" she then looked at the long hair. "What is going on?! Why am I here wait why am I in RApUNZELS body?!!"

Varian woke up. Let out a yawn until Ruddiger popes up in front of him. "Ah! Oh it's you Ruddiger. Wait Ruddiger?! What am I doing here?!" Varian said to himself, Ruddiger chittered. "Oh my god did I'm in Varian's body!" He said.

"We switched bodies!" They both said

Rapunzel then grabbed a mirror and looked at herself. " great iM PriNcEsS Rapunzel!" She said to herself,. "Hmm what does it feel like to be a princess?" She said to herself.Then Cassandra came in. With surprised Her. Kind of blushing. "Morning raps" Cassandra said, "u-uhmmm morning cassi- er Cassandra!" Rapunzel said, "um okay breakfast will be soon ready okay" cassandra said. "Okay" She said still in the bed. "Great tHeRe gonna think I'm rApUNzel when I'm really Varian!" She said to herself. She got of the bed. "Srsly who sleeps in a dress?" She said to herself looking at the mirror. Then looked at the long hair. "And I have long hair great... umm how do I do the normal style like she has everyday?...." Rapunzel said. She then picked up all the hair. Into a pile.

"Great I'm varian but hey,Ruddiger you'll keep me company right?" Varian said to ruddiger!. Ruddiger chittered. Which varian did not understand meaning what he just heard chitters. "Ummm let's just say I switched bodies with  varian..." he said. Quirin then came in. "Morning son breakfast is ready." He said. "Uhh okayyy" varian said getting up. "Ohh what does it feel Like by nOt being a princess this is new" varian said to himself,

Rapunzel sighed. Then as she was gonna open the door. Cassandra was in front of her. "Raps aren't you suppose to change your clothes? There's a meeting soon with some important people" Cassandra said. "Ohh right but can you help me with....mY erm hair?" Rapunzel said. "Sure" Cass said getting into the room. After doing that style Cassandra left.
"Great I'm going to have to....change my clothes...." Rapunzel said. "uGHHhhH I AM nOt lOoKiNg aNywAY!" Rapunzel said. Rapunzel closed her eyes and changed into the normal dress Rapunzel would always wear. "Whew there I did it!" Rapunzel said.

Varian was standing there, "oh wait I have to change my clothes before I eat breakfast!....wait....oh......." varian said looking at his body. "okay no worries I just don't have to look..." varian said. He closed his eyes and put on his apron google and pants and shirt. And then the gloves. "Comfortable I'll just have to get used to this.." varian said to himself.
Then he went to eat breakfast.

"hOw tHis DResS iM a bOy but if course I'm in RApUNZELS body UGHHHH" Rapunzel said. "Okay I just have to get used to this which is nOt gReAT" Rapunzel said. She then walked over to eat breakfast. "A long table sO fAnCY wHy life" she said. She sat down on the chair, then saw the queen and king heading over to eat. "Morning sweetie" Arianna said.
"Um..mOrning" she said, how am I suppose to call them mOm and dAd when there not even my parents?! This is wEirD she said in her mind. Yay waffles she also said in her mind. Rapunzel then took a first bite. Oh my god this is sO gOoD yummY She said in her mind. Rapunzel ate quickly making clinging noises with the fork and knife, Her parents were just there staring at her. "Rapunzel sweetie are you okay?" Queen Arianna said, "yeah I'm fine why?" Rapunzel said. "Your not acting like your self" Arianna said. And that hit her. "U-uh eRm, I'm really Fine your magist- mOm!" Rapunzel said, "Are you sure your not sick? If you are you don't have to go to the meeting dear" Arianna said,

"I'm really fine erm mOm" she said, she finished eating then went, then bumping into Eugene, "oh morning blondie" Eugene said, Eugene about to kiss her, oh god no no no no no no no no she said in her mind. Cringing then falling in ground avoiding the Kiss. "Are  you okay?" Eugene said helping her up, "yeah I'm fine" she said, then ran into her room.
"ahHH tHis iS wERId wHy LifE. If only I had my alchemy and my pet Ruddiger and dad-" "Hey raps I heard what happen are you sure your okay?" Cassandra said, "u-uh yeah I'm really fine caSsandra" Rapunzel said.

After varian was done eating. He got up. "Uh ermmm dAd can I go outside I just need to visit someone" varian said. "Sure but come back soon okay?" Quirin said, "Sure will dAd" he said, then held up Ruddiger on his shoulders and ran.
"gReAt let's see how varian is doing in my body" he said in his mind. Varian got to the castle just entering when a guard stopped him. Right I'm not in my fReaKinG bOdy he said in his mind, "why are you here?"the guard said, "I just xame to visit Rapunzel-" "sorry bUt the princess is not in for visitors" the guard said,

Rapunzel then saw her own body down there, "yEs Rapunzel iS hERe" she said, "I'll be right back!" She said running.
"Rapun- varian!" She said hugging her own body. "Oh hey var- Rapunzel!" Varian said. "LEts go inside" she said pulling him in. They were in Rapunzel's room. They talked. "Okay so I'm in your body and your in my body... how did this even happen?! " varian said. "I don't know but it must've been that powder we were covered in" Rapunzel said, thinking,
"Yeah bUt one problem.... how are going to do the stuff that we both usually do we don't know each other's schedules!" Varian said, " okay let's just tell each others schedules and there we can do it I mean... hopefully it isn't that hard" Rapunzel said.

They talked then. "Alchemy?! But I don't know how to use alchemy varian" he said. "And the hanging out with Eugene?! Rapunzel! I'm in your body iM vArIaN hOw this is going to be weird! Sorry I'm straight. I'm just going to cancel it" Rapunzel said. "You can't!" Varian said, "why? I mean like can't I cancel it?" Rapunzel said. "That's our traditional day to hang out like a.....date......" varian said "WE HAVE TO CHANGE BACK THERES NO WAY" Rapunzel said. "But you can't because your me and I'm always busy! But you, yOu always have time to do stuff varian" varian said.
"Also we can't tell this to anyone because probably they won't believe us" varian said. "Okay kill me please" Rapunzel said,

"How about your sticking with me!" Rapunzel said, "okay I guess if your dad lets me-" "I'm sure he will" Rapunzel said with no hopes ;-;

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