Chapter 2

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I'm making varian survive!

They were at the medical room.
Varian survived which was a relief to Rapunzel.

One of people walked out.
Then told Rapunzel

"He is in coma for 2 months and he might have memory loss."

This is all my fault... Rapunzel said in her mind.

Everyday Rapunzel would visit varian.

2 months past

It was morning varian slowly opened his eyes. He didn't have the energy to do it. Then he saw a hand cuff on his hand. Only one hand. Varian couldn't remember anything. The betrayal, his parents, even the people he knew was friends with and Ruddiger.Then he looked around him. He was on a bed and a room. It looked fancy. Then Ruddiger showed up.

Varian screamed.

Which made everyone in. The castle wide awake.
Rapunzel knew that scream it was from varian!.
Then she went to the room where varian was in. Then guards came in the room even the king and queen.
Then Rapunzel saw Ruddiger on top of varian. Varian looked scared of Ruddiger making the raccoon walk backwards.
And Ruddiger got of. "Oh hi Ruddiger..." Rapunzel said.

Then varian looked at everyone with "what the heck is going on here?" Face.
Then everyone read Varian's face
"Hi varian..." Rapunzel said. "Ummm hi?" He said. "What's with everyone here is this a party?" He asked.
"No this is not a party" Rapunzel said. Then nurse came up to varian.
"Do you remember anything?" The nurse asked. "No what happened to me?" Varian asked.
Then he looked under the bed sheets and pulled up his shirt seeing the bandages "Did I get stabbed?!" He said.
Then that made Rapunzel uncomfortable.

"Wait Who are you people? Is this a castle? Wait who's this raccoon?" Varian asked. "Woah slow down Do you remember your parents?" The nurse asked. "No I don't, wait what's my name? I don't remember myself!" Varian said.
Then he looked at his hand. "What's with the hand cuffs?" He asked. He then touched his head bandages.
"Oh my god... did I die?! No wait I'm still alive.... or am I dreaming... why do I look like I got beat up by murders?!" Varian asked. "Slow down with the questions okay?!"One of the guards said.

"Well he definitely doesn't remember anything" the nurse said. "Ok everyone leave!" The nurse said. The queen stayed and Rapunzel stayed too. "Ehh you two can stay" the nurse said. Then varian struggled with the cuffs. "This is hurting my hand..." varian said. The queen then stood up and took of the cuffs of his one hand. "Thanks" He said.

"So what happened to me?" He said. "Uhh erm....." Rapunzel couldn't tell him. "Your not ready yet varian. We will tell
You when it's time to tell you" the queen said. "Ok if it's that bad then... oh well at least I don't remember" varian said.
Then the queen left. Walking out the door. "So... Who are you?" Varian asked Rapunzel. "Oh my names Rapunzel" she said. "Oh well something tells me your the princess right?" He said. "I sure am" "ok pr— Rapunzel So you know what happened to me?" He said. "Well I do but we can't tell you now...." she said.
"Do I have parents?" He said.

"Look varian like my mom said we will tell you everything when it's the right time" she said.
Then Ruddiger showed up at the bed. Chittering, then varian got up quickly and got away from Ruddiger.
"Why is there a raccoon here?!" He said. "That's ruddiger Your pet" She said.
"Ruddiger? Well he does look like he won't hurt me..." varian said. Then he got Clooney to the raccoon.
"Hey erm... buddy" he said. Ruddiger chittered. Saying like you don't remember me? It's me your best friend!
Then Ruddiger brushed his fur in Varian's face. "Heh hey Ruddiger I hope I didn't scare you because I screamed"
He said.

"So this place.... is your home?" He said to Rapunzel. "Yeah its a castle" she said. "So I stay here locked up here so I can't get out and see the world..?" He said. That reminded her of Gothel her "mom". "I don't know varian but if they don't let you out. I can let you out and see outside..." she said. "Oh ok...." he said. Then the nurse came back. With breakfast.
"Here eat..." the nurse said then the nurse walked away. "Ok I gotta go now... bye varian" Rapunzel said getting up.
She walked away. Then outside the door was Cassandra and Eugene.

"You went in there he is dangerous!" Cassandra said whispering ."Shush! Not here! Varian can hear us!" Rapunzel said whispering. They were in the library. And they talked. "So varian has memory loss and can no longer remember us, his parents, his attack of corona?!" Eugene said. "He is still dangerous! He can attack anyone!" Cassandra. "No he is not... he is hurt still and how can he attack anyone when he is hurt?" Rapunzel said. "Blondie is right..." Eugene said
"And he can't go back in the dungeons too I mean he is still a kid" Rapunzel said. "Yeah but he is growing up mentally to a criminal" Cassandra said. "Hey at least he doesn't remember so he isn't dangerous why would he attack for no reason?" Rapunzel said.

"What if he is pretending to not remember?" Eugene then said. "That screamed proved he doesn't remember anything, I mean he got scared by his own pet and best friend Ruddiger!" Rapunzel said. "Fine I'll act nice to that kid but I still don't trust him" Cassandra said. "Ok then but we can't tell varian anything if what happened to him or his dad" Rapunzel said.
"I'll go talk to my parents so he can't send varian in the dungeons" Rapunzel said

She walked to the throne room and talked to her dad and mom. Luckily the queen understood that varian can be locked up in the room. But the king didn't trust the kid. "Come on dad he is only a kid!" She said. "No he is dangerous Rapunzel I must send him to the dungeons when he recovers" the king said. "He lost his memory" Rapunzel said.

They talked and it turned out to a fight.
Then some time went past by from silence.
And then finally the king agreed.
"Fine but guards will be in the room guarding the doors and outside." The king said.
"Ok dad" she said.

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