Back to school 9

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I am now writing sO lOnG

Day before Varian woke up~

Rapunzel and everyone else went to the Hospital with Varian.
"Please be okay please be okay" Rapunzel said to her self whispering.
Rapunzel was checked and she had a few bruises, and scratches,and she was little sick.
After that
Rapunzel went to see Varian even everyone else. "How's my son?" Quirin said.
"Well.....He is in coma for who knows how long.... He is injured he is lucky to be Alive, the fall though it caused something but will give you more updates" The doctor said.
Tears started forming in her eyes.

Next day

Rapunzel was sent to the Police station she told them everything what the man did to them what he said everything.
The man was oBviOuSLy arrested

Rapunzel went and visited Varian.

She sat there hoping for him to wake up.
"Let everything be okay please" She prayed.

Next day

Of course Rapunzel was in the news the Incident it spread all over the town it was like fire spreading so fast.
People wanted to ask Rapunzel some questions even the news, Rapunzel ran straight to her house.

She didn't go to school for some days.....

A week later

Rapunzel ran straight to the Hospital with the others.
The doctor said there may be a chance he is going to wake up. And he can go home with them.
"Finally I get to see him awake! I just can't wait!" She said.


Varian lost his memory


Rapunzel was hit with these news. "No! That can not be true surely he didn't loss all of his memory r-right?" She said


Next day


"Varian you have to remember!"

"Please just remember!"


Rapunzel was on the bed tears forming in her eyes. Why did this have to happen?! She said in her mind.
But at least Varian was alive. Rapunzel Sighed.


It was morning Varian hated Everyone.
Ah yes another day of hell He said in his mind

They went to school
Varian wasn't the same old varian
He was the opposite
He would start fights but thanks to Cassandra Rapunzel and the other 2 they stopped him and calmed him down.
Varian wasn't used to studying
He wasn't all nerdy and funny.
He just wasn't him...
It was dismissal everyone went home

"Varian remember this?" Rapunzel said showing him the Tales of Flynn Rider.
"This was your favorite ßook...." she added
"No I don't...Anyways I haven't even read it yet" varian said. He was annoyed. "Well try reading it?" Shensaid
"Well fine" He said

He liked the book and he was proud that he had the rest of the other book. He read it OvEr aNd oVeR aGaIn.
Rapunzel noticed this. At least he is like The Varian I know.... she said in her mind.
Rapunzel showed Varian everything he did before.
Varian sometimes didn't like the stuff
But once he tried did He did like it. Well not all the stuff he did,he liked it.

It still wasn't the same.

They were outside the school

Rapunzel would "force" Varian to Remember what he did before but it took time.
"Rapunzel shouldn't you like, not try pushing varian, to make him what he was before?" Cassandra said
"wHaT? ME? *gentle cough* of course not!" Rapunzel said.
Varian in the background reading a book
"Hahah wHy would I? I'm not! I got over the fact that he isn't him anymore okay? Sooo I'm not" she added
"I didn't mean that-.... *sigh* I know this is hard for you but it'll take time" Cassandra said
Rapunzel looked at Cassandra. With a Are you sure? Face
Cassandra nodded

"Hey! lets go get some Ham Sandwiches! Ya know like We always did before!" Varian then said popping in front of them
"Okay!" They both said.
Lance and Eugene joined in

They walked and.....

Cassandra then gave a face of realization

"Wait WhaT?!"

A/N: Im ending it! Here Right now
I sUcK aNd managed To eNd tHis

Okay bye

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