6. Clumsy

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6. Clumsy

James Dayton's P.O.V

"What's wrong with your face?" My mom gasps looking at me, the moment I enter the house. I hear Dean and Mark laugh silently behind me.

"Wow. Thanks mom. You are the best." Responding, I enter the house going into the kitchen.

My favorite place.

"Sorry. It wasn't supposed to sound like this. But what happened?"

My head is half blue and half white, and I am still a little dizzy. Even after a few hours. This must have been a good hit.

"I was hit with a ball." When I see the look on my mom's face, I continue. "Accidentally, don't worry."

"My poor baby. Do you need anything? Maybe water? You look bad."

Again, my mom makes me feel better with her compliments. Sure.

"No. Calm down, I'm not dead. Can I go upstairs now?" Groaning, I hope that she will let me leave.

My mother can be very caring, too caring, especially when I get hurt.

"Yes, only if you promise that you'll call me if you feel bad."

"Yes mom."

With that, I go towards the stairs, to my room but being stupid, I slip.

Right in front of everyone, still in the kitchen, I fall because of the slippy floor. I try catching something in process but I don't succeed and I feel my head, again, hugging the floor.

Dejà Vu, I'm sure. This thing happened to me in the morning too.

But now it was because I wasn't looking carefully in front of my eyes, and just walked.

I was thinking about something... someone. Yes, someone. I'm desperate.

But she talked to me!!! TO ME!!!

Okay, calm down.

"Oh my God, what did you do again?" My mom says and helps me get up. Yes, this happens all the time.

I'm very clumsy and I always think about other things when I'm walking. Probably that's the reason why I almost slip on everything and bump in everyone.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Come one," I say to Dean and Mark but guess what.

They are too busy to laugh at me instead of listening to my words. Sighting, but laughing a little too at myself, I go upstairs, where my room is located, waiting for them.

They should arrive here in a few seconds.

1... 2... 3...

"How was your date?" They all ask at the same time, looking at each other.

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