35. Pillow fort party

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35. Pillow fort party

James Dayton's P.O.V

Letting out a long sigh, I look around feeling relaxed and at peace.

It's already night, there aren't many people on the street but stray dogs can be heard sometimes in the distance.

The wight of the telescope and the basket doesn't bother me, even if I feel that my hand will fall off any moment.

They are heavy, but I don't care. Because I have my other hand wrapped around Aria's hand.

She hasn't stopped talking for minutes but I don't lose interest in the conversation. Aria is talking about her family and I couldn't be more interested in what she's saying.

"My mom is a doctor. And my dad, well he isn't doing much. Staying home and watching TV." This statement makes me look at her and raise an eyebrow, and she turns towards me.

"Your dad doesn't work?" I question but I don't even know why I'm that surprised. There are many parents that don't have a job nowadays.

But something is nagging me. I don't like how she talks about her dad, like she doesn't want to.

I'm probably overreacting though. My dad isn't the best father either but he is starting to feel more like a dad than a father to me now.

He got a job as a lawyer in our city so he doesn't have to move from one city to another anymore. And dad finally can spend time with his family.

My mom... my mom still brings sweets home probably trying to get me fat.

"No, he doesn't. Dad is too lazy to find a job, I don't think he had one in his whole life."

My eyebrows furrow and I tighten my grip on her hand, and she does the same.

"Don't mind me asking but why? Why does he let your mom do all the work? Sorry, I'm noisy, don't mind me-" I start mumbling thinking I asked too many questions.

Knowing how it is to be in a situation like this, I stop. There were so many noisy people at school in the first year.

Why are you so shy? Why don't you speak? Has the cat stolen your tongue?

Why, why, why.

It's none of their business. And it's not mine either.

"It's okay, you are not the first to ask. My dad is lazy, that's all. A lazy fucker who thinks about himself only." I feel the tension in her voice so I start rubbing her arm, hoping this will help her calm down.

And won't creep her out.

"My mom works in a bakery. Lucky me, I know," I change the subject and I continue "And my dad is a lawyer. A very successful now."

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