33. Confessions

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33. Confessions

James Dayton's P.O.V

I wait and wait. Because of fear, I don't do eye contact with Aria afraid of what I could see. Excitement? Disgust? Shock?

Waiting for an answer, I think about what I just said, not believing myself. God, what I was even thinking? I asked her on a date. ON A DATE.

My checks are burning and I'm sure I look like a fried tomato. Even my ears are burning and if she won't say anything soon, I might run and hide in my house for the rest of my life. Maybe I'll come out to eat, but that's it.

You are so stupid Dayson.

But even if I feel like I could die soon of embarrassment, I'm happy that I finally told her how I feel. Well, not really but I asked her on a date. That means I like her.

After five years... finally.

I don't care if she says no at this point, to be honest. All my high school I desired to hear Aria speak once to me, just that. And I got so much more. We are friends.

If she says no, I'll smile and get over it. Because we'll still have a beautiful friendship and even if my hands are currently aching to wrap around her body, I am happy.

Clearing her throat, an action that makes me get startled, it also makes me have my attention on her again. Not wanting to act stupid, I raise my head just to see her shocked expression looking exactly at me.

"It's okay if you don't want to. But... um... I really like you." I say to her in the silence.

With my whole body on fire, I manage to let out a small smile towards her, to make it seem like I'm confident in my words. Fake it till you make it, they say.

"I'll understand if you don't want to Aria. Just say something." I start saying when the silence gets too much and I feel suffocated. I can't resist under pressure much longer.

"I'm scared." Her words make me raise one eyebrow, waiting for an explication while feeling my heart making somersaults inside my chest.

"Scared of what?" Trying to persuade her to talk, I come closer and put my arm around her shoulder and my head on hers. I just hope I'm actually making her feel better, not worse. Taking a curl from her straight brown hair, I play with it moving it around.

I love her hair, it's so soft and long.

"Denis." At the mention of his name, I clench my hand and I let out a long sigh, trying to calm my urge to go down, find him and punch the shit out of him.

I'm not a violent person and I've never been one. But I realized how uncomfortable he makes her feel and even if I don't know with what Denis is blackmailing her, I know Aria doesn't deserve this. He should mind his business.

What's the point in forcing someone to be with you?

In a relationship, I would want to be happy and really like the person. But nowadays it seems like people prefer popularity over happiness. This is the last year of high school for him and us anyway, so why bother?

"But I would love to go on a date with you. I just need to make sure he doesn't see us." Her small voice comes and I smile, wrapping my arms around her.

"We'll be careful, don't worry."

I intertwine my hand with hers and make myself comfortable, at this moment nothing matters anymore. Just the two of us in an unknown room, skipping school and not caring about a single thing in the world.

After a few minutes, deciding that we already stayed here too long and I don't want to leave when everyone will wake up and complain, I take Aria's hand and I start dragging her towards the door.

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