32. Her tears

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32. Her tears

James Dayton's P.O.V

Hearing little birds singing, I immediately realize it's morning. I open my eyes, expecting to see my window, the tree outside of it and the sun hurting my eyes like always.

What I didn't expect was to wake up seeing a blue ceiling, in a different bed than mine and with another person in bed snoring. Suddenly, I get up and look around with wide eyes, not believing what I see.

Right next to me, stretched all over the bed and almost touching me with her right leg, is Aria. Her hair is a mess, she looks sick and her snoring made me wake up.

But she is so beautiful, even with that bed hair and big dark circles under her eyes. And that small cute noise she makes.

All the events that happened last night hit me hard, and I remember the way she begged me to stay with her tonight. This is in the past, but remembering these events still make me blush, and I'm grateful Aria isn't awake to see me this flustered.

I know Aria will wake up maudlin after how much she had drunk yesterday, and I want to make her lemonade and bring her some medicine. But the problem is that I'm in an unknown house, I don't even remember if we are on the first floor or not.

Still, I get up and put my shoes on back, knowing downstairs will be a huge mess after that party. Cups threw everywhere, people sleeping on the floor half naked and many more strange things.

And when I open the door, unfortunately, I notice what I thought it's true. I grimace seeing how many clothes are everywhere.

"People couldn't even wait till they enter a room? Horny dogs." I mutter and roll my eyes, looking at the floor careful not to fall and break my neck.

Going downstairs, I notice my two friends on the floor, with red cups near them... and even on them. I don't know what happened after I left with Aria upstairs, but by the looks of it, I'm sure they have drunk a lot and had fun.

I remember the conversation I had with them, about the fact that I promised I will be back. I guess I shouldn't make promises I can't think. I don't even want to know what they thought after realizing I won't come down anymore.

Probably not what really happened... we only slept last night.

An idea comes in my mind and the next second I grin widely and go towards the kitchen, slipping because of a few people I didn't see and making them groan. After a lot of 'sorry' I arrive at my destination, find a lemon and make lemonade and take two other glasses of cold water.

Returning to my friends, I dump water all over them, laughing when they jump like cats being put in a bathtub. I know I will regret this.

"Sorry, not sorry." I shake my shoulders and laugh, not stopping even after receiving glares by other people trying to sleep more.

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