24. Happy

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24. Happy

James Dayton's P.O.V

With a smile on my face, I stretch like a cat and start opening my eyes slowly, getting used to the light.

I know that today is Saturday, and all I want to do is stay and sleep all day. Still, the smile from my face isn't just due to the fact that I am waking up late today.

It's for another reason.

Getting up and staring at the floor a few seconds, a thing I always do when I wake up but I don't know why, I then go towards the bathroom to take a short shower and brush my teeth.

After finishing, a wide smile appears again and I am sure I look like a loser smiling at nothing, and almost doing a happy dance in my room, but I don't care.

Opening my door, hearing my sister's voice makes me already feel even better, if that's possible.

"Good morning." I almost scream and run towards the kitchen, where the smell of bacon and eggs come from.

Ignoring the surprised faces, I just kiss my mom's cheek and my sister's, and take a seat where a plate is situated just for me.

"Thanks for the food." I feel the need to say, I feel bad that I didn't help her make it today but I slept too much and I stayed awake this night till three a.m.

Speaking with a person.

One of my favorite persons.

"You seem very happy today." My mom starts raising her eyebrows and I gulp, knowing that she'll ask a lot of questions and I don't know if I can lie to her. And I really can't.

"Yeah... So?" I respond and try to act casual but I know that she sees through my act.

When people say moms know everything, they don't lie. She can read me like an open book.

"So? Is it a girl? I know that 'I am in love look.'" She raises her fork towards my face, making her point.

I gulp again and raise my shoulders, starting to eat but not before being startled by her half-scream.

"Mom, you'll wake all the neighbors." I try to make her stop when I realize that even my sister has her palms up to her ears, trying to stop the noise made by mom.

Zara, being only seven years old, has a confused look on her face and I pinch her cheeks, almost 'awwing' out loud at how cute she looks pouting like this.

"So it's true? My baby is finally in a relation? I thought I'll die until this happens."

I roll my eyes and shake my head, watching her face drop in disappointment.

"I am still single mom."


She gets cut off by my phone, I take it out from my pocket wanting to see who is calling and I get surprised when I see her number.

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