26. In a relationship

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26. In a relationship

James Dayton's P.O.V

I feel weird. That's the first thing that I say waking up in the morning, Monday.

Mondays are the worst day of the week, being the start of a new week of hell; school, but today sometimes seems different.

I always wake up angry, rolling my eyes at the alarm clock that doesn't seem to shut up till I don't grab it and throw it on the floor, watching it stop working. But I am not angry.

A very strange thing for me to not be angry and done with the word on a Monday.

I feel like the words are closing on me, letting me without air to breath. Always having forebodings before something bad happens, this feeling makes me want to put a blanket over my head and just sleep.

Something bad will happen today, I can feel it in my bones. Sighing, I decide to go brush my teeth knowing that what will happen will be inevitable.

I can't do anything about it. Just stay relaxed and see what life has in store for me. Very horrible things probably.

Almost tripping on air going towards the kitchen, I curse my ancestors and think about how bad the day already is.

"Good morning." I hiss and take a glass just to pour orange juice in it. It's not a healthy habit but I always drink juice in the morning, along with my breakfast.

"Haven't you slept well?" My mom asks with worry in her voice and I turn around, shrugging.

"I slept wonderful."

"Then? What's your problem?" My mom continues and I notice everyone having their attention at me, my dad, sister and mom.

The whole family.

"Nothing. I am feeling fantastic." I respond wanting my mom to lose interest in the discussion, but of course it doesn't happen.

"Problems in paradise?" She wiggles her eyebrows and I can't help the laugh that comes out of my mouth after her words.

I just shake my head and ignore her looking at me knowingly.

Biting a piece of bacon, I almost moan feeling how crunchy it is.

Looking around me, it's bizarre how I have my whole family at the table, that my dad isn't leaving again and that I can see him every day. I still didn't forgive him completely and he needs to work for my forgiveness but these days we talked a lot.

About the reason he left, the same excuses, but I don't like fighting with anyone. So I let it be for the moment.

Finishing my food, I text Dean to see when they will arrive and when I hear the engine outside, I leave.

"This day will be terrible." I groan ignoring their surprised looks at seeing my face when I enter the car. "I just know it." I continue and say nothing during the duration of the ride to school.

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