22. Canceling classes

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22. Canceling Classes

James Dayton's P.O.V

At the current moment, I'm in the class. Math class, to be more precise.

The eyes I notice looking at me and the giggles I hear coming out of their mouth makes me want to cover my eyes and ears and live in my own personal bubble forever.

"Are you okay?" Mark whispers to me and I almost get startled, not recognizing his voice at first.

Tilting my head in his direction, I shrug instead of lying and act like I am busy writing notes while in reality, I don't give a fuck about them at the moment.

I want to go home. Something that I'll probably do after this class, I'll say I am not feeling good and I'll be out. After this, I'll take a relaxing bath and think about my life.

Something I always do while taking baths or long showers.

"If you want to talk about this, I'm here." I send Mark a smile being grateful for having such a good friend, and I turn my attention again towards the teacher.

Don't they get bored explaining the same thing over and over again every day?

I feel a hand touching my back and when I hear laughing, I don't even have to turn back, I know that the person who touched me knows about my situation.

The whole school knows.

I know it shouldn't be a big deal, people go out every day with each other, but the thing is that we looked like we were on a date.

The worst thing is that people believe she only went out with me to humiliate me, and that she also took the photos for this purpose.

This is what I thought too. Until I talked with Aria and realized that she didn't know anything about this.

I saw it in her eyes that she was telling the truth.

"Can you stop?" I growl at a girl sitting beside me that keeps touching me and laughing.

She looks shocked for a second, not believing that I, the shy James Dayton just whisper-yelled at her. Yes, I got tired of this and I couldn't take it anymore.

I just want people to stop talking.

"Do I hear talking?" The annoying voice of the teacher says and I try to calm myself before I'll be sent to detention.

Yes, you hear talking. You have ears for a reason.

Sighing quietly, I take my notebook and start drawing in it, a lot of stars and hearts, the things that I always draw at the back of my notebooks when I'm bored.

When I hear the ring, it takes five seconds for me to gather all my things and run out of the classroom, before people could start making fun of me again.

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