39. Fight

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39. Fight

Aria Miller's P.O.V

I look everywhere. Right, left, trying to take my thoughts away from the people situated in front of me, and near my sit. Their laughs make me sick, I want to tell them to stick their jokes up in their asses but I know I can't.

It sucks feeling like you have no hope anymore. That you are at the mercy of other people. Some could say I am dramatic, but I don't want to have leaked nudes all over the school.

The slut-shaming is everywhere in this school, a photo and I'm a hoe. And yet, even if I hate how society judges other people without knowing their stories and life, based on a simple rumor or photo, I don't judge them.

The photos look like they were taken by will, with me smiling and posing like a pornstar in a magazine.

"Did you hear the rumors? That you and James are dating?" Denis starts laughing with the rest of the group, making my heart accelerate.

Fidgeting under the table, eyeing my food that seems disgusting right now, I think about my response a few times making sure nothing seems sketchy.

"Rumors? What? I haven't heard about them." I grab my milk glass and drink it all in one sip, shaking my head a lot of times.

I don't know how people realized James and I were getting closer, especially because we've never shown affection at school. Maybe they saw us leaving together, and that's how they smelled the fact that there's something going on here.

I can't help but think how creepy this is. Why are they watching us anyway?

"Don't act like you weren't all over that ugly nerd. It makes me nauseous. I have a reputation so don't you dare to ruin it, I hope I won't have to see you with him ever again." He grins and takes my hand in his, making it itch.

Even my body realizes how much of a jerk he is. And how unattractive his attitude makes him.

I frown and try to make my mouth shut up to not regret my words either. Clenching my hands hating the way he spoke about James, I have the urge to take the milk and pour it all over his shirt.

Denis would deserve this. All of them.

"I wasn't-" I start lying but get cut off by that bitch's whiny voice.

"Don't believe her. I wanted to fuck him and this bitch threw a tantrum. Jealous whiny little shit." Rolling her eyes, she starts twirling her hair and turning around to look at James. Out of reflex, I do this too.

My breath gets taken away and I smile without realizing seeing my crush talking with his friends, I'm glad he's not alone. I've met Mark and Dean before and I realized they are truly his friends and it's not like my case.

Everyone thinks we get along, no one knows how they really treat me.

I'm just a puppet who can give them popularity and fun. Denis also likes my body, something I am disgusted about.

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