40. Truth find out

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40. Truth find out

James Dayton's P.O.V

I jump over the gate, helping Aria do the same as me and I turn around, breathing like I've run a marathon. Feeling the excitement running through my veins.

"Are you crazy?" Aria asks breathing hard, I didn't even realize till now how fast I run. Just to get past all the high-schoolers.

The way they looked at my hand wrapped in Aria's hand made me feel like an alien who came on earth to experience human life. Which is horrible, I have to say.

The judgment on their face made me angrier than ever, looking at me like I am so disease that came to infect their building.

The shock for finding out about me and Aria being together, or at least close, because I am sure they realized this from the way I defended her earlier, made me smirk. Smirk at them like nothing happened, with an arrogance I didn't know I have in me.

"I am crazy? Maybe." I shake my head and think about the event that happened. And I can't help not being proud of myself. I did it.

"I protected you." Laughing, I turn around to look at my love just to see the worried expression from her face.

I don't even feel bad about what I did. I have never been the violent type of person who gets into fights, but the way that Denis was smirking while holding his phone made me break down.

"Have you hit your head or something?"

I smile and pull her into a hug, shocking her even more. She remains with her hands on her side a few seconds, but I let her realize what's happening. And another few seconds later, her arms get around my waist, making me tremble.

Calm down, you idiot. You don't want to scare her away.

"I don't think so."

I take her hand in mine and drag her towards the park near the school, wanting as much privacy as possible.

For talking, of course.

Nearing my special place, that's now ours, I smile widely seeing the known trees and lake, remembering all the memories I made here.

This place is even more special now that I have my love here with me, gripping my hand as her life depends on it.

"Are you okay?" I ask even though I know it's a stupid question. She was blackmailed all these years and nobody even realized something is wrong. Even I thought they are real friends and not snakes.

By now I can see Aria gripping the ends of her blouse tightly, and I take her hand on mine, stopping her.

"You know you can tell me everything, right?" I try assuring her, continuing, "But if you don't feel comfortable yet, it's okay. I'll wait."

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