38. Pathetic

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38. Pathetic

James Dayton's P.O.V

It's Monday. And even though the weekend was the best I've ever had in my life, I'm still not happy.

I take the covers off of me, letting out a long sigh and shaking my head in disapproval seeing my face in the mirror.

Deciding to ignore how bad I look today because I don't want to start again on hating my face and body right before school, the building which makes my life a hell, I clean my face using a lot of water and soap.

I hate how oily it can get while sleeping, I feel like a salad in the morning. A salad with a lot of oil in it.

I'm just getting weirder and weirder everyday.

Taking new clothes and changing into them after taking a short shower to get fresh and more awake, I go towards my bed.

Jumping on it face down, I check the clock to see how much time I have left till Dean and Mark will come, and I let a loud groan seeing it's already half-past seven.

Life hates me, and I hate life. Simple as that.

I don't even have time to go eat something so I'll just eat at school, where there is that disgusting food that nobody touches.

But I'll do it today I guess... if I don't want to starve and die when I have math. The last class.

When the bell rings, I take my backpack and an apple from the table, not wanting to eat what we have in school. Even if this means I'll have to eat only an apple till I'll get back at home.

The struggle.

Saying goodbye to my family, I go in the car and go on the backseat. I hate to stay in the front, the other cars seem so close to me and it's giving me dizziness.

And I want to drive a car in the future. Good luck with that, James.

Here we are. At school, a building full of teenagers that want nothing more than to go home and sleep. Including me and my two friends. Mark who can't keep shutting up about how sleepy he is.

"Shut up," I grumble at Mark and open the door, feeling the chilly air hitting my face with force.

The weather is already starting to get cold, and winter is coming. All the leaves are gone, it's the half of October and I'm freezing.

The only thing I like about winter is the snow. But sometimes it doesn't even snow so the chilly weather is useless. Summer is the best.

"You were the one speaking with Caly all night so it's your fault." I continue, waiting for all of them to get out of the car and finish this horrible classes already.

"I can't help it, man. My heart has a mind of its own." He responds dramatically, moving his hand towards his heart.

Caly is his new crush. A girl in my math class, with cute glasses and freckles. They would look good together.

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